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There lay something
In the middle of town
In the middle of the street
In the middle of the ground

Trampled underfoot by many
Crossed in the bliss of ignorance
Noticed but not seen by any
In the glint of their indolence

Trampled so much so
Again and Again
Laying on the streets
In the middle of rain

It Got so dusty to the point
It Looked almost unrecognisable
Some that kicked it the day before
were now acting strangely new

Others said it's,it's fault
Who told you to lie on the streets
It was so obvious you would bleed
Now you are here in society
Begging for fucking sympathy?

There lay again something
On the middle of the street
This time polished and cleaned
The dirt hidden by the glitter

Everyone stopped oh
Everyone watched
So lucky to be born this way
In their heads they thought

If only they knew?
That "something" was my heart

They made my heart a book
A book to judge
A picture they could talk about ...

Will I ever be more than something?


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