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Godric's Hollow was known to many wizards and witches as a peaceful place

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Godric's Hollow was known to many wizards and witches as a peaceful place. With no nosy muggles wandering about, the magical residents felt free to live their lives however they desired. There was only one family in Godric's Hollow who did not have this luxury, and that was the Potters. However, even in hiding, James and Lily Potter still managed to provide a normal upbringing for their two children, Seraphina and Harry.

Harry Potter was every bit his father; with his messy black hair and pale complexion, it was clear that Harry and James were one and the same. The only difference was that Harry has the temperament and light green eyes of his mother Lily.

Seraphina, on the other hand, was an oddity. When Lily and James got into a fight after they graduated from Hogwarts their relationship was in shambles, causing Lily to run off to America, where she had a fling with an unknown man from New York. Seraphina Potter was a result of this fling. According to her mom, Sera inherited her father's eyes; they were a deep, stormy blue like the night sky before a storm. Other than that, Seraphina was blessed with her mom's gorgeous looks (in the words of her stepfather); she has red hair that curled in tight coils around her chubby face, tan skin, and little freckles scattered around her body from the tips of her toes to her forehead.

Despite Sera not being James' biological daughter, he did not love her any less than Harry. In fact, Sera is most likely the most spoiled two-year-old in all of Godric's Hollow. James thought Sera deserved the world and deep down understood that there was something off about her father, something that meant danger around every corner, and he would use all his power to stop any danger from coming to his sweet girl.

Unfortunately, not all dangers can be stopped with sheer willpower alone.

It was a peaceful night for the Potter family. James was sitting on the floor with Sera and Harry, casting a charm to make multi-colored wisps of smoke come out of his wand. Sera and Harry, with delight, tried to catch this magic in between their chubby little fingers. Their squeals of delight could be heard throughout the house, and Lily smiled from the kitchen, where she was finishing up dinner. Lily was about to call everyone to the dinner table when she heard her husband cry, "Lily, take the kids and run; he's here!"

Lily sprang into action, scooping Sera and Harry into her arms and only stopping to peck James on the cheek and glance out the window before sprinting upstairs to Sera and Harry's shared bedroom. She gently set the siblings in Harry's crib and flicked her wand to lock the door. There was not much she could do once he got in; there was no stopping the carnage that would follow. All Lily could do was close her eyes and send a quick prayer up to the heavens before addressing the two people she loved most. "Harry, Seraphina, you are loved so much. Mummy loves you, and Daddy loves you with our whole hearts. Do you understand?" Lily opened her mouth to speak again when she heard a yell and the thunk of a dead body hitting the ground. Lily swallowed her tears and addressed Sera. "Seraphina, my beautiful baby girl, protect your brother; he needs you, okay, sweetheart?" All the young girl could do in response was nod her head and look confused. She does not understand why her mum is making such a big fuss. This is just another of her dad's games, right? Sera's thoughts on the matter were interrupted by the door to her and Harry's bedroom bursting open and a tall, cloaked figure stepping calmly into the room.

"Step aside, girl, I just want the children!" The cloaked man hissed at the young mother, who was on her knees in front of the crib, blocking her children from view. "Please, please have mercy; they're just children!" Lily begged with sobs raking her body. "I will tell you one last time to step aside, and I will bring you no harm." The man told her, "Please, not my Harry, not my Sera!" Lily cried and readied her wand, ready to raise hell. "You give me no choice." The figure spat at the woman before bellowing "AVADA KEDAVRA!" and Lily Potter dropped to the floor dead.

Stepping over the body of Lily Potter, the stranger peered into the crib and scoffed. The eldest child was sitting slightly in front of her little brother with a tiny arm held out in front of him like it was a shield that could block the boy from harm. Seeing no reason to delay his destiny, the man raised his wand and was about to cast the killing curse for the third time that night before a high-pitched voice interrupted. "Don't touch Harry." The small girl exclaimed and shot a pointed glare at the stranger. To give her credit, the glare itself was pretty nasty; something about her eyes can easily unsettle someone. The man leaned in close to the crib and gave the little girl a sneer. "Oh, do not worry, my child, I will not lay a single finger on your brother, or you for that matter." At that moment, the man slashed his wand through the air and yelled, "AVADA KEDAVRA!"

The world seemed to stop at that moment. The deadly jet of green light was headed straight towards Harry when it seemed to just bounce right off of him and onto his sister, then the light shot again right back at its caster and finally delivered its blow. The tiny cottage exploded and the scream of rage from the cloaked man could be heard for miles and echoed around the area until an uneasy silence consumed the village.

Seraphina Potter sat there looking at her mummy lying on the ground, waiting patiently for her to get back up and dust herself off with a laugh, and her daddy would sneak around the corner and scoop her up and say, "Don't worry, sparky, everything is okay, see? Mummy and I are perfectly healthy." But no, mummy or daddy did not get up to greet them, which was unfortunate because Harry started crying, and Sera is terrible at telling if it's 'I'm hungry' tears or 'I'm upset' tears. Sera furrowed her brows and felt liquid drip down her face. It was blood. She took her hand and tried wiping it up, but that did nothing but smear it all over her face. Looking closer at her brother, Sera saw that he also had a cut on his head. Not knowing what to do in this situation, the girl just took her brother in her arms and started humming a lullaby their mom would always sing. As she hummed, Sera started to think-well, think as well as a two-year-old could.

Sera studied the cut on her brother's head again and realized that it was in the shape of a lightning bolt. This was very exciting for Sera since she loved the lighting and the rain too. Every time it rained, Sera would try and bolt outside to catch the rain drops in her mouth, but she would run inside once she heard the clap of thunder. Lily would always take Sera in her arms afterwards and point at the sky and say, "Don't be scared, angel; that's just your daddy trying to say hello." That part always confused Sera because her dad was always in the room with them when it happened. She never could comprehend why he would try and make so much noise when he could just walk up to her and give her a hug to say hello.

The temporary peace was interrupted by heavy footsteps on the floorboards. Sera tensed, worrying that the bad man was back again to try and take Harry. Luckily, it was a completely different man this time. He looked much nicer too, with bushy black hair, a beard, and sparkling eyes almost like a beetle. Even though he would have had to duck if there was a roof above their heads, the man radiated warmth, which was a good change of pace from before.

"Don't worry, Sera, it's gunna be alright," the man said with a funny accent. "Ere, help me bundle up, yer brother." The large man handed her a blanket he found in their closet. Sera calmly wrapped her brother up the best she could and grunted as she tried to pick up Harry to pass on to the big man. The man chuckled, picked up Harry, and set Sera on the ground with ease. "Alrih' Sera, go put on your shoes an' a jumper, and we can leave." Sera nodded and found her favorite pair of boots that her dad got her for her birthday this year. Apparently they were for 'hiking' whatever that was, and her dad wanted to take her on a long one once the war ended. Sera slipped on a blue jumper, muttered a quick "Bye, mummy, bye, Daddy," and left the house with Harry and the large man. Never to step foot in Godric's Hollow again, or so she thought.


There's something so awkward to me whenever I try to write a prologue or even a summary for a book. I can never get the introductory information just right and in the correct amount of pages for it to make sense and not be unbearably long. However now that I got the ball rolling this should come to me a lot easier event though I'm pretty rusty in the craft of fanfic writing.

Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and want to stick around for some more :)

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