Chapter 9: Guilty Pleasures

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She slowly opened her tie. Something about it is just so hot. Everything she does puts me in a trance and makes me want to offer myself to her completely and lose control. I was lost in her thoughts when I realised my hands were now tied by her tie. Before I got the time to react, she picked me up and threw me on her couch. She positioned one of her knees inbetween my legs while her other feet was on the ground. She holds my tied hands firmly above my head and leans in and whispers, "I am gonna be really rough with you. You can back out now cause once I start I wont be in my senses". Something about it was scary and thrilling at the same time. It made me feel like I was on the edge of a knife. But I wasnt going to back out now. "I wont back out because I want to feel the real you", I said confidently. She smiled and pulled down my jeans to reveal my laced underwear. She slowly unbuttoned my shirt to reveal my black bra and stared at it for a while and gave another smirk. I was completely under her control now. "I really love seeing you this way", she said. 
She grabbed my hair with her other hand, bent down and started rubbing my clit on top of my underwear with her knee while kissing me. It was so good. I never thought I would be humping against her knee but it felt so pleasurable. Our kisses were sloppy with tongues, she nibbled on my lower lip and i nibbled back on hers, she sucked on my tongued and it made me wetter ,  I sucked on hers. I loved how she tasted. Every time she rubbed her knee against my clit, I moaned against her mouth. I could simultaneously feel her hand move up my stomach making me shiver. She rubbed on top of my bra at the tip of the impressions of my hardened nipple. It made me wanna beg her to touch it bare. Soon enough she gentle lifted my bra to reveal my nipples and held it between her thumb and index finger and gently pressed and twisted. It was painful but also pleasing. Her lips moved from my lips to my neck and then to my collar bone. She licked it and then started circling my nipples with her tongue and licking them. She grabbed my boob in her hand , squeezed it and started sucking on it hard. then she traced  my cleavage with her tongue and moved to my belly and circled by belly button. It left a weird sensation in my stomach which travelled down and made me wetter. 

 She stopped and stood up. I saw a wet spot on the knee area of her pant and got embarrassed. I hadnt realised that my cum leaked from my panty to her pants. She opened her jeans. She was also wearing a black laced panty.  She sat on the sofa, lifted me up and placed me on her thighs so that i was laying on my stomach . Suddenly she spanked me. It shocked me but what was more surprising that I actually liked it. I could feel the cheeks of my ass get warm. She spanked harder and I groaned. She rubbed it and squeezed the area which had now probably turned red and spanked again. Then she bit on my ass so hard that it probably left marks . 

She lifted me again and made me sit upright on the sofa. Then she sat on the ground infront of me, opened my underwear and shoved it in my mouth. I could feel my cum dripping down my lips. She parted my legs , stared at my wet pussy for a while and dived in to lick my clit. She licked her finger and put it in my hole and I wanted to scream. This is why she shoved my panty in my mouth cause after all we were fucking in office hours. I chewed hard on my underwear to suppress my moans as I could feel her fingers flicking inside me and hitting the spot which sent a 1000 volts through my body and made me jerk up every second. I was about to come. She somehow realised it and stopped. It was torture. I wanted her to continue. She got up, took out the panty from my mouth and opened her underwear too. She made me lie down on my back on the sofa then  positioned her pussy right above my mouth and lowered herself. She was facing my pussy and bent down at the same time to complete what she left. I loved the taste of my cum. She was as wet as me. I slurped and drank it and circled her clit while she did the same to mine. She put her fingers in my hole again and i shoved my tongue in hers and I could feel her cum dripping down my tongue to my throat. We moaned in together and finally came. I came harder than last time and maybe she did too.

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