Chapter 10 : My dream life

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Riya's pov:

My life now revolved around work, sex with Anika and taking care of my father. Anika hadnt officially said that she loved me, and I wont even pressurize her to do so by mentioning it. I loved the way life was and maybe its too early for anything committed or serious. I wanted her to take her time to figure out her feelings and confess. Yet, there was this insecurity deep within me that what if.... I never hear those words from her ? Or what if.... she doesnt want to commit? But she did mention that she likes me and can't stop thinking about me. But she also did mention that she doesn't think she can give me the life I want. Ughhh its so confusing. Anyways I shouldn't overthink it and hope for the best.


I check my phone. 
Its a text from Anika - "Report to my place at 8 pm after work" .

I start blushing seeing her notification pop up on my screen. 

"Who is it? Your someone special?", Sonia, who is sitting opposite to me , asks with a teasing smirk.
"Maybe". I reply with a smile.
"Oooo, introduce me to this someone special one day. Don't get distracted from work now. Your face is all red", she says excitedly. 
"Ok Ok I will", I reply.

As soon as its 7 30, I take my belongings , book a cab and rush out of the office. I reach her place by 8 pm sharp. Before I can ring the bell, Anika opens the door. 
"I was waiting for you, I knew u would come here at 8 pm sharp. You are a horny little slut after all", Anika says while scanning me with her eyes. 
"You know me so well. Anyways, YOUR horny little slut is here now", I say confidently. 
Anika smiles. Her smile is so pretty. Her pink lips glisten in the light just like her eyes. I keep my bag down and jump on her and wrap my legs around her waist and my arms around her shoulders. She keeps one hand under my butt and places her other hand under my shirt, on my back while gently tracing it. We share a kiss. 

She carries me to her bedroom and places me on the bed.  She climbs on top of me and without wasting anytime starts kissing my neck eagerly. As she licked my skin, it felt ticklish. I started giggling and tried to escape but she held me firmly to prevent me from moving. I kept giggling and moving constantly. Finally she stopped and looked into my eyes and said "I like torturing you but this is nothing compared to whats gonna come". I was thrilled. She took off her dress and then took off mine hurriedly like she was hungry to see whats beneath it. I had completely surrendered to her. She walked over to her cabinet naked and fetched a belt. I was curious but also slightly anxious. she buckled my hands to the pillar of the bed. My eyes widened but I didnt resist. "In public you maybe my employee but in the bedroom you are my slave, understood?".

I nodded. I never thought I would be into stuff like this but something inside me felt proud when she called me her slave. I like being hers no matter what. She sat infront of me and opened her legs wide. SHE WAS TEASING ME!!! I WANTED TO TOUCH HER!! She smirked and looked at me dominantly and started tracing the wet lips in between her legs. She gently parted the lips and I could see her pink clit throbbing. It made my clit throb too. I crossed my legs tighter to get some relief coz I was already wet and craving her touch. It didnt help much though. I was still feeling throbs and tingling sensations inbetween my legs seeing her in this position. She started playing with her clit by rubbing it up and down vigorously and then abruptly slowing down and circling it. Whenever she slowed down or started rubbing it with great speed while moaning, I shivered. I unconsciously started biting my lips. I could see her fingers getting wet with her cum. I wanted to lick it. I felt like a thirsty dog tied with a leash. But I didnt care. I wanted her. I wanted to taste her. I wanted to cherish her. To touch her. To lick her. To fuck her. 

She leaned slightly backwards and slowly inserted her fingers in her pussy and started fingering herself. I could see her cum gush out and fill her fingers as she kept moaning. With every thrust, her body jerked and her breasts looked hotter. I feel like a pervert but I dont care. I forget all my self respect when she is infront of me. I begged her to touch me and I could tell she enjoyed seeing me beg. 

Finally she stood up on her bed and walked towards me. She parted her legs and positioned her wet lips on top of my mouth. She firmly grabbed my hair in her fist and started moving her pussy violently against my mouth. She grabbed the pillar for support and moved her waist faster. I felt suffocated but blessed at the same time. "Extend your tongue", she ordered and I obeyed. She positioned her hole infront of my mouth and pulled my head back and and forth while simultaneously moving her waist to thrust my tongue inside her hole. I loved it. I wanted all of it. I didnt want a single drop of her cum to be wasted . She halted. I noticed that her pussy was wetter with my saliva smothered on it and my lips were filled with her cum. She kissed and sucked on my lips. "Do you like tasting me?" , she asked. "YES, I DO", I replied. 
She bent near my ears and whispered, "good girl, you are really good with your tongue". 

I blushed. She pinched my nipple with one hand and touched my pussy with the other hand. " I can see you are really wet. That means you are ready for my next surprise". I was confused. She licked her fingers which had my juices on them and then fetched a double ended strap on from the drawer of the bedside table. She carefully wore it. Even though I was scared, I wanted to experience how it feels. "Tell me if it hurts, sweetheart", she whispered. I nodded nervously. 

She sat infront of me. There wasnt much gap between us. She gently lifted my hips and placed me on her lap. She wrapped her arms around me and started caressing my hair and kissed my  neck. "Dont tense", She whispered. I closed my eyes and breathed deeply . "Kiss me", She ordered. I immediately did so . She slowly pulled me closer to her and I could feel the dildo penetrating me. I fisted my hands. I wanted to hold her but my hands were handcuffed. I whimpered and bit her lips hard. As soon as the dildo was fully inside me, I moaned. My entire body was shaking. It was so deep!! I was already panting. It hurt a little but it felt good. I kissed  her harder. She cupped my ass cheeks in her palm and started pulling me back and forth. As she kept penetrating me, i was panting and moaning harder. My head automatically rolled back and my eyes were closed with pleasure while i kept screaming. The entire house was filled with our noises. Everytime I moaned, she groaned. We were covered in sweat and cum. She pulled out and took off her strap on. Then she pulled my hips so that  I was laying flat on my back against the bed. She spread my legs and licked off my cum and cleaned up my pussy. Then she unbuckled my hand  and finally I hugged her. I saw my wrists were red but I didnt care. I immediately  sat on her lap and hugged her. She soothed me. I loved her naked body against mine. It felt so warm and soft. 

I wish I could stay the night at her place and cuddle and fall asleep with her but I had to leave after sex cause I needed to reach home by 10 pm to avoid any suspicions from my father. 

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