I love him

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Hermione woke up later that afternoon. She shuffled in her bed and turned to the other side. Pansy was still there, quietly lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling.

After a moment of silence the black haired witch spoke. "I love him."

Hermione blinked a few times. Pansy was still staring up. It seemed like she didn't even notice that those three words slipped from her mouth. Somehow the confession made Hermione uncomfortable. She knew that Pansy and Malfoy had a thing between them, but Theo and Blaise convinced her, that it was just a casual fling. No feelings involved. And why would Pansy say this right now?

She was uncertain of what to say back. "Does he know?"

Pansy scoffed and rolled her eyes. "Of course not. He thinks that I'm a slut. He deserves someone better. Someone kind and warm, if you know what I mean..."

Hermione couldn't believe what she just heard. Maybe Pansy's love life was a little bit colourful, but Malfoy surely wasn't an innocent. She was sure, that he wouldn't care about Pansy's history. He looked quite satisfied with her experience. "Pansy," Hermione placed a hand on her companion's arm, "You are one of the most beautiful women I have ever known. You are smart and funny and a good friend. It doesn't matter how many people you shagged. It doesn't define your personality and that is the most important thing. Every man would be honoured to have you."

Pansy turned her head to Hermione. Her eyes were glossy and she worried her bottom lip between her teeth.

Hermione offered her a smirk. "Not to mention that we are talking about a Death Eater who hunts people for his own pleasure."

"He is not that bad, Granger. He didn't choose any of this." Pansy said softly and looked down. She looked miserable. It was so unlike her.

Hermione sighed. "Maybe he didn't at the beginning, but he seems quite content with his position right now. Not to mention that Malfoy isn't really a saint in any department. I would even say that you are too good for someone like him. He doesn't deserve your love."

"Draco?" Pansy's eyebrows shot up and she looked like she was searching for something in Hermione's eyes. After a few seconds of silence she added. "Maybe you are right. Thanks, Granger." She smiled and turned onto her back.

They didn't speak to each other for another hour. They just lay on the bed together in complete silence, holding hands. Both were lost in their own thoughts.

"Thank you, Pansy, for staying with me today." Hermione broke the silence. "I was...I just simply wasn't prepared for what had happened to Theo. Yours and his friendship are the only positive thing on this whole situation. And I don't know if Theo becoming a Death Eater will change things. Probably yes.." she sniffled.

Pansy gave Hermione a handkerchief and stroke her hair. "He is still the same person, Hermione. Just give him some time to process everything. He is a good guy. He's always been."

Hermione wiped her nose and nodded. She knew that Theo hadn't took the Mark out of his own free will. Voldemort would probably kill him if he would have declined the branding. Still...how could someone do that to another person. Well, technically nobody knew if Voldemort was still a person. The only thing that Hermione knew for sure was, that Theo's screams would haunt her forever.

She took out her broken chain from her pocket and held it in front of her face.

"What is that?" Pansy asked as the small pendant glistened in the room.

"It's an amulet from my friend. I found it today after I lost it the day I was captured. It needs a fixing tho. I will ask Tinky tomorrow, if she will be able to do so." Hermione sighed.

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