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"What's going on?" Hermione started backing out just as she spotted Alecto sitting in the room. The older witch had a nasty smirk plastered across her face. She was slowly swinging on the chair.

Hermione bumped into something soft behind her. Or someone. She jumped and turned around to face the other person. "Theodore? What's happening?" She asked with an obvious fear.

The man in front of her chuckled and pulled down his mask. The soft, light brown curls on his head receded and transfigured into a thick, black, long strands. A black eye patch peeked at Hermione from underneath the mask as Rabastan Lestrange revealed his true self. He wore an ugly, crooked grin.

Hermione gulped. Fuck. She looked around the room, but there weren't any other exits. Just the one behind Rabastan's back.

The wizard took a long step forward and she instinctively backed. Her mind was going on a full speed, trying to find a way out of that situation. As they took another step in the same direction, puffy fingers of Alecto Carrow dug into Hermione's arms. She was trapped.

"What do you want from me?" She brought her chin up in order to hide the fear, but her voice betrayed her.

Alecto squeezed her arms tighter. "Don't worry, Mudblood. We don't want to kill you. We just want with you, darling girl."

Rabastan licked his lips as Alecto patted Hermione's shoulders.

Hermione shivered as the man took another step closer to her. "Look," she said with trembling voice,"Whatever you want to do to me, let's just talk about it first. I'm sure we can find a way out of this situation, before it's too late."

The witch behind her back laughed. "Before it's too late? Please, honey, too late was after you'd decided to pollute our world with your filthy presence." She nodded at Rabastan and he grabbed Hermione by her hair. She screamed in pain as he dragged her towards the table.

Alecto followed them. Her calm voice was creeping Hermione out. "Too late was when you decided to stand against us on the other side of the war."

Rabastan picked Hermione up and slammed her onto the table. She hit her head hard on the wooden surface. She felt that the world started spinning around her and heard ringing in her ears.

"And too late was," Alecto continued more loudly, "when you decided to TORTURE MY BROTHER TO DEATH!" She yelled the last words from the top of her lungs. A droplet of saliva hit Hermione's face, but she didn't even register. She was too disoriented.

Alecto stood over her head. She conjured ropes and tightened Hermione's arms to the sides of the table. "Please, just let me go." Hermione tried to plead, but the two Death Eaters only laughed at her.

"Don't worry, little lioness, I'm sure you'll like it." Rabastan cooed as he stood at the other side of the table, slowly dragging his hands up over Hermione's bare legs.

"No! Please! Stop!" Hermione screamed. She looked up at Alecto with pleading eyes. "Don't do this to me. Don't let him do this. Please!" She bursted into tears. But Alecto only laughed again. Vengeful hag.

When Rabastan's hands reached Hermione's thighs, he jerked with her towards him, bending her knees on the table. He was disgusting. His black eyes longed for her hungrily and she would had even sweared, that he started drooling at one point.

His hands continued up her thighs. "No!" She screamed again and tried to kick him, but his strong grip wouldn't let her. She tried to fight with her arms, but the ropes were too tight. Alecto grabbed her head and forced her to look up again. Hermione's breath was abruptly quickened and tears were pouring out from her eyes like waterfalls. She was desperately wishing that they would just let her go. That they just wanted to scare her.

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