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                               Nick's POV

"omg guys do you think they are getting along?? what if we just left the house for them to not even talk" Adriana said worried.

"Girl come on they HAVE to get along, there is like no food so they have to order something, or even drive somewhere" I said.

"Guys lets just go to a hotel i dont wanna shop anymore, lets go back to the house next morning, tell them we are going to the party or something. Omg what if they start dating?" Chris said.

"If they date it will be so cute, and so unexpected. i dont think that will happen since Matt hate his scar so so damn much. But i mean it MAY happen" Adriana said.

"Shut up lets just go book a hotel" I said.

                           Avelyn's POV

"What do you want lyn?" Matt asked me about to pull up to the drivethru.

"10 pieces of nuggets, sweet and sour sauce, large pepsi and large fries. dont get it wrong" I said to him.

"im the best at memory, you probably even forgot how younger me looks like." Matt said sarcastically.

"dirty blonde hair, kinda buzzed. short, playful and skinny, not bodyshaming" i told him.

Matt looked at me shocked, surprised at how i remembered what younger him looks like.

Matt got our order, we went back home to eat our mcdonald's.

We sat at the table, eating our food. It was silent, tiktoks playing in the background.

"fuck i forgot we have school tomorrow, nick, chris and adri will not be going. They literally just texted me that." Matt said annoyed.

"what the fuck???? i thought adri was gonna tour me around?? now im stuck with you tomorrow at school. You will be the worse tourer ever." I said furiously.

"Geez chill, they just texted me theyll find a way to go to school tomorrow." Matt said.

"I cant believe they just left me at the FIRST day of me in Boston, and im stuck with an idiot, which is you if you didnt know." I said.

"Fuck off, you have Math class with me. I will show you how good i am in Maths" He said in a challenging tone.

"Okay matthew, little smartie" I said rolling my eyes.

We finished our mcdonald's and i was really tired and there was school tomorrow. I took a cold shower, then i changed into my pajamas. I covered myself with Matt's cover. I turned to the side to see Matt laying down on the floor. He was really uncomfortable sleeping there. I felt really bad.

"Come up" i said.

"What? you want me to sleep with you? Nah im TOTALLY good" Matt said.

"You are uncomfortable come on, you are not sleeping there for two weeks. I know you wanna sleep on your own bed. Me being nice to you doesn't mean i dont fucking hate you." I said.

He got up from the floor and hoped onto his bed with me. The bed was abit small but big enough to fit two people, still, it felt like i was gonna fall off the bed any minute. I felt an arm wrapped around my waist. It was Matt.

"Just making sure u dont fall off, still hate you though. Imagine you falling" He said giggling.

"Whatever Matt, maybe you are the one falling off tonight"

I turned to the opposite side of him and slowly fell asleep.

"Wake up! AVELYN WAKE UP" A voice said.

I thought you hated me? || Matt SturnioloWhere stories live. Discover now