Izuko Bate: Origin

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Izuko's thoughts: Not all men are created equally.

Izuko: Leave him alone!

Izuku: Yeah, we'll stop you.

Bakugou: So Deku and Zuko wants to play hero? 

Bakugou made a explosion and slammed his fist onto his palm, making another one.

Izuko's thoughts: That's the hard truth me and Izuku learned at the age of 4.

Bakugou and his lackeys beat them up for a few minutes before leaving.

Izuko's thoughts: But that was our first and last setback.

Izuko and Izuku are now seen to be 14 years old, walking past a villain incident that's giant and breathes fire.


Villain spewed more fire and many people were staying back as the heroes made sure they're okay.

Mt.Lady: Canyon Cannon!

Mt.Lady in her giant form kicked the villain, knocking the villain out.

Mt.Lady: Good morning y'all. You can call me Mt.Lady.

Izuko: We should go now.

Izuku finished writing his notes on her and they continued to go to school.

Teacher: It's time to think seriously about your futures. I would pass these applications out but I know you all want to be heroes!

The class all used their quirks except for Bakugou, Izuku, and Izuko.

Bakugou: SENSEI! DON'T LUMP ME IN WITH THESE EXTRAS! As if I had anything like their crappy quirks.

Student#1: Bakugou, you're not the main character!


Teacher: Oh right, you passed the Mock Exam for UA Bakugou.

Bakugou: I'll be better than AllMight himself!

Teacher: Oh, Bate & Midoryia did as well for U.A.

Everyone turned to Izuko and Izuko and laughed.

Student#2: Good grades won't get you two in U.A!

Izuko: Well that's not exactly true.

Izuku: Well, there's no harm in trying.

Bakugou exploded their desks and pinned both of them to the lockers.

Bakugou: Forget the crappy quirks, you two are quirkless, and have since we were 4. And you think you both can rub shoulders with me?!

Izuko: Yes we do.

Izuku: What are you doing Izuko?

Izuko: You're not the boss of me Bakugou. Never had been, and never will be. 

Izuko then head-butts Bakugou, making him back away.

Bakugou: Wait until after class Bate, because then you're done for.

So class was over and they were ready to leave and Bakugou grabbed Bate by the neck and his other palm was ready with an explosion strong enough to harm him and leave a mark. 


Bakugou fired the explosion and Izuko went flying out the window, descending quickly and suddenly he landed on someone. He has black and spiky hair, and black eyes. He dons a grey vest with a black undershirt, a red sash, black pants and white boots. He has a green Potara Earring on his left ear, and a Time Ring on his right index finger.

???: How dare you land on me mortal!
Izuko: I'm so sorry, sir! 

???: Give me a reason not to kill you where you stand.

Izuko: Actually, you can kill me.

???: You're allowing me to kill you?
Izuko: Yes, no one cares about me anyways. No one would miss me.

???: You know what? I won't kill you, your Ki seems different from different people's Ki.

Izuko: Ki?
???: Ki is your life force that can be manipulated into different shapes and forms.

Izuko: Interesting. And that's probably because I'm quirkless.

???: Quirkless?

Izuko: Well, I don't have a quirk. 80% of the world's population has humans with quirks, and 20% doesn't. These quirks are inherited or mixed together to make a new quirk all together. Those with quirks can be used by heroes, which I want to be so very bad.

???: Well then, come along with me. You'll become a hero because I'm going to train you so you can become what you desire to be. Give me your phone number and pack your things for training.

Izuko: Alright.

And so, thus began the story of Izuko Bate as a hero.

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