SasoDei Family Moments

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-Scene One: Your WHAT?!-


"Oh god no.... How is this even possible, un?!"

Tears began to pool in a certain blonde's ocean-blue eyes.

"Deidara, everything alright in there?"

More tears formed.

'He's going to think I'm a freak and leave me just like Mum, Dad and Sis.'

"Y-yeah, un. E-everything's f-fine S-sasori, un."

Well that was a pathetic attempt.

"Deidara are you crying?"

Crap, he was bad at lying.


"Deidara, unlock the door, I'm coming in!"

His eyes widened but he refused, instead placing the object on the counter, bending his knees and burying his head inside so he could sob silently.

"Deidara, I will break down the damn door, open up."

He sobbed harder, his cries reaching his Danna's ears.

A moment later the door was on the floor.

"Deidara, what's wrong?!" The redhead cried, instantly picking up the light-weight teen and cradling him to his chest.

".... Don't h-hate me....." Was all Deidara could manage before collapsing in his masters chest, his breaths coming in short gasps in-between heavy sobs.

"Deidara, I could never hate you. Now please, tell me why your crying." Sasori rubbed small circles on the younger teens back, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

"L-look ... o-on .... t-the .... c-counter ...."

Pulling Deidara closer to his chest, he used to his free head to reach up and grab a small white stick.

A pregnancy test, with a pink smiley on it.

"I'm a freak!" Deidara wailed, seeing the shocked look on his masters face.

Wriggling free of Sasori's grip, he fled the room, tears flying from his sky-blue eyes.

Sasori blinked.


Quickly running after him, he found the 18-year old curled in a ball in the hall closet, buried under the soft silk sheets that they used after their .... business in bed.

"Deidara, please come out." Sasori kneeled near the still crying blonde.

He would have tried to get in, but was too tall.

"You think I'm a freak, just like Mum and Dad. You're going to kick me out like them!"

Sasori flinched at how horrid his pets past was.

"Deidara, I'm not going to kick you out, and your not a freak. Now please come out, I can't get you if you're in there."

Holding his arms out, a soft, reassuring smile on his pale features and his chocolate brown eyes shining with concern and care, the young blonde crashed into his opened arms a moment later.

"Deidara, I love you and this child more than anything. I will kill anyone who tried to hurt or insult you or the baby."

He neglected to point out that out of five brothers, only one was straight, the rest were together with their own pets. Pein, the oldest at the age of 23, was with his female pet Konan; together they had a twins (a boy and girl) named Akri and Akro. Zetzu, the second oldest at the age of 22, was with the second youngest pet they owned, Tobi. Together the two had a little girl named Emi. Kakazu, the third oldest at age 21, was with Hidan, together they had a girl named Tasha.

Kisame, the second youngest at age 20, was with the third youngest pet Itachi, together the two had a little boy named Uko. Sasori was the youngest at age 19, Deidara as his pet.

Each master had their own symbol and they have it to their pet on a necklace to show others whom the pet belonged to.

Hidan's was a dollar sign like mark, a circle with a triangle inside of it, and inside the triangle was a sideways 's' with a vertical slash through the s.

Konan's was a a flower, black polka dots lining the inside of the flower.

Itachi's was a red and blue yin and yang sign, the dots inside the symbol commas instead of regular dots.

Tobi's was a Venus-flytrap shape, half black, half white inside an orange filled oval.

Deidara's was a puppet holding a white bird taking flight, the puppet in an oval with red an yellow rings around the inside of the oval.

Whenever a pet was distressed or in danger the mark with send and invisible beacon only visible to the master. A pets master was also their mate, their lover.

So seeing Deidara so distressed made Sasori's once iron heart clench.

"Promise you'll still love us, un?" The blonde looked up with watering blue eyes, hope locked deep inside.

Brushing away the blonde fringe covering Deidara's left eye, revealing his other watering oceanic eye, he nodded before pulling his mate close.

"No matter what, I will always love you Deidara."

'Always.' The word rang happily through Deidara's mind before he fell into a deep sleep.


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