-Scene Two: Trauma-

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-Scene Two : Trauma-


Deidara's pregnancy was most definitely uneasy to say the least.

The first visit to the doctor was traumatic.

"Well, even though Sasori, your brothers have had children with another male, Deidara's pregnancy will be a bit more complicated as seeing he is still human. And as seeing the fetus is growing, changing Deidra from human to demon is now unable. If you changed him now the fetus may grow deformed or may even die."

Deidara had cried that day, saying it was his fault that Sasori would have an abnormal child, a half-human half-demon.

The announcement to Sasori's older brothers was joyous, until Deidara grew violently sick.

The doctor recommended bed rest, and lots of family love, support and care.

On the days Deidara was sick, his nieces and nephews would make him pictures and try to make ways to make him feel better, wether it be by making him laugh, telling stories or suggesting baby names, reassuring him they would love their new cousin with all their hearts now matter what.

Sasori's older brothers would inform him of tricks to help with morning sickness, cravings and mood swings. Konan would shop for baby clothes since he was in bed. Itachi would give him books to read or movies to watch.

Tobi made him laugh with stories and Hidan would make sure he was always in high spirits, but was smacked upside the head if he cursed, which made the blonde laugh.

And Sasori.... He was over protective to say the least. On the days his pet would be hunched over the toilet, no one was allowed in the room except the nurse they hired, Sakura. Even then Sasori would make sure she kept her distance and only did what was necessary and left immediately after. During the day he made sure his mate was fed enough and was comfortable and entertained, even if his entertainment was being curled up against his Danna, his long blonde hair being stroked softly. At night he pulled his brat close, making sure he told the blue-eyed teen he loved him and their child.

"Sasori... What if I die? What if the baby dies?" He sobbed. He only cried when his Danna was around, only when he knew warm caring arms would surround him and whisper sweet nothings in his ear.

"You won't die Deidara. I'll kill myself before you die."

As the months passed, Deidara grew larger, but better. He was off bed rest, but if he felt sick or faint, he was in be the rest of the day.

Four months after the announcement of his pregnancy, Sasori suggested the two of the go out to dinner.

"Are you insane, un?! I'm showing, everyone will think I'm a freak, un! They'll stare at me, un!" Deidara cried, tears streaming from his eyes.

Sasori quickly pulled him into a hug, stoking his hair and rubbing circles on his strained back.

"I will personally send them to hell if they look at you in a way I deem insulting or threatening. I am the devil, remember?" He kissed away the tears, brushing away the golden locks covering his beautiful ocean eyes.

Deidara agreed, and as expected, someone began to stare at them. An older couple, in their mid-eighties started to whisper about how odd Deidara looked behind his back.

And he had heard every word.

Two minutes he was sobbing loudly, causing a rush of waiters, the manager of the restaurant and Sasori to come to his aid.

"Sir, are you alright?!" The manager cried, concerned for his customer.

"He's a bit self-conscious, and the couple behind us has been insulting him. He was afraid to go out with me for that exact reason." Sasori explained calmly, hugging the still crying Deidara close.

"Sir I am so sorry! Your meal will be free!" The manager informed, then heading over to the other table where the couple resided, white as sheets.

"May the devil damn your soul! How dare you speak so lowly of a young person so disgracefully! Did you not see how distressed he was?!"

"Let me handle this." A rough voice interrupted.

"Sir, shouldn't you be comforting your boyfriend? As manager of this establishment it is my responsibility to control all my guests."

"He is fine. I already told him earlier what would happen if someone were to make him uncomfortable of make him cry."

The manager had to admit, the redhead was pretty damn scary, his voice dead serious but his half-lidded copper eyes dull, yet craving bloodlust and his expression bored yet sadistic.

"A-and w-what were you t-to d-do to them, i-if t-they were t-to i-insult him i-in such a m-matter?"

The couple now were white as snow, trembling under the 19-year olds devilish stare.

"As seeing I am the Devil, I take their souls and send them to b damned for the rest of their now eternal lives. And also to anyone whom tries to stop me."

That night, Deidara watched in interest as his boyfriend took the souls of two demons in front of him and the rest of the restaurant.



*Three Months Later*

After the restaurant fiasco, Sasori agreed not to go out until after the baby was born.

Deidara complied without hesitation.

"Deidra, I'm going out to get some things at the grocery. Do you want anything?" Sasori called out to his pet, who was in bed with a slight headache.

"Ummm..... Can you get me some strawberries please, un?"

Sasori nodded, adding it to the list.

"Sure. Alright, I'll be back in fifteen minutes. Remember, no getting out of bed!"

With that, Sasori was off.

Five minutes later, Deidara grew bored, and got up to go to the art room and get some clay.

Waddling uncomfortably, he made it halfway before he felt something cold drip down his leg.




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