Kill me heal me

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A loude scream was heard in the mental hospital hallway and then everything went silent.

In the room7

Name: Kim Taehyung Age: 23Nature: loving, sensitive, broken

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Name: Kim Taehyung
Age: 23
Nature: loving, sensitive, broken.


Dr1: hey is everything ready you know na Dr Junkook is gonna be here anytime soon he will be here he is really strict you know that right he did not like making any mistake.
Dr2: yes sir everything is ready.

Name: Joen Jungkook Age: 27Profession: doctor (psychiatrist)Nature: soft, caring, protective, loving, strict

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Name: Joen Jungkook
Age: 27
Profession: doctor (psychiatrist)
Nature: soft, caring, protective, loving, strict.

Jk came after somtime and checked every patient personally. But they didn't show then room number 7.

In evening

Jk came out of his cabin and he walked past the room number 7 when he heard some voices from that room.

He came inside to see a heart breaking scene in front of his eyes a nurse was forcing the food inside Tae's mouth who was struggling in her grip.

N:(gasp stood holding her hands back)
Tae:(rubbing his hairs crying silently)
Jk: what the hell is happening here?
Jk: get out. (Calm yet cold)

N ran away immediately.

Jk:(cupped his cheek)
Tae:(trembling) ..........(Bitting his lips) I wouldn't say anything please don't beat. (Holding his shirt in tight fist)
Jk: no one will beat you kido who will beat you huh?
Tae:(crying hard)
Jk:(hugging him rubbing his back)

Soon Tae was little calm.

Jk:(wiping his tears) here have water. (Attaching the glass to his lips)
Tae:(sniffing cutely)
Jk:(keeping the bed table and food tray on it) here wanna eat by yourself.
Jk:(creasing his hairs) have it.

Tae slowly had it.

Tae: y....ou.... you please done shock me I will sleep silently.
Jk: for sure kido no one will do that.

Jk helped him lie down and pats his head gently.

Jk: why do I feel you are not suppose to be here?

He said to himself and Tae heard it too but before he could say anything Jk left.

Tae:(in mind) I will tell him everything tomorrow.

In meeting room

Jk: non of you no one will enter room number 7 that is my case do everyone get that?
Jk: DO YOU GET IT? (banged his hand hard on the table)
All: Yes sir!
Jk:(looked at the nurse who was in his early 50s) and Mrs Min.
Mrs Min: yes sir.
Jk: I hope you will not treat him like them. (Glaring at N1)
Mrs. Min: yes sir. I will take care of his meals and medicen sir.
Jk: hmm.

Next day

Jk came to Tae after somtime nurse left after feeding him. Jk was checking him Tae looked around.

Jk: all good. I will take my leave n-
Tae:(held his hand) s-ir listen please.
Jk:(smiled) yes.
Tae: I am not mad sir my step parents send me here to take my property they gave rupees to Dr Choi please trust me please take me out of here.
Jk: I think you should sleep. (Helping him lie down)
Tae:.....(face dropped all hops died)

He lied on his side crying silently.

Jk:(leaving)........(thinking something hard) Tae.
Tae:(looked at him wiping his tears)
Jk: what's your step parents name?
Tae:(sniffing) Kim Min-ho and Kim Yuri.
Jk:(threw the medicines away) don't take them.
Jk:(rubbing his back) I will look into it.
Tae: please make it fast it has been 3 years. (Sobbing)
Jk: Tae if what you are saying is truth then you will be free from here as soon as possible you can trust me on that.
Jk:(wiping his tears)

Next day Tae was waiting for Jk but Jk didn't came Tae asked the nurses and she told he is out of station and will not be able to come till 1 or 2 days. Tae was sad but happy too that he can get out of this hell soon.

After 2 days. [Morning 3am]

Jk:(came to Tae's room running)

He saw Tae's step parents and Dr Choi there they all were mentally torturing him from last 2 days to make him really go insane as they knew Jk has found the truth.

Jk: the game is over now Choi! (Playing the recording of his phone)
Mr. Choi:(legs trembling)

Police was behind them they arrested all 3 of them Mr Mrs kim and doctor Choi too.

Tae got up from the bad and ran in Jk's arm crying like no tomorrow.

Jk:(teary-eyes)(rubbing his back)

After 15 minutes Tae was sobbing and crying Jk didn't wanted to see him crying anymore.

Jk:(kissing his lips)

After 3min

Tae stopped crying looking down sniffing cutely.

Jk:(wiping his own tears) please don't cry.
Jk:(kissing his tears)

Tae pushed him back a little.

Tae: please.........
Jk:(kissing his forehead) here your business and and your property Mr kim. (Gave him the files)

Tae started leaving Jk was looking at him folding his arms on his cheast his eyes slightly teary.

Tae:(looked back) wouldn't you come with me?
Jk:(ran to him and back hugged him)(Sobbing)

Both cried in each other's arms.


Jk was watching the news with a proud smile. Tae was giving a speech it made Jk really proud.

❣️The end❣️

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