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Will was the shy, book loving, high school nerd. He had big,bold black rimmed glasses that framed his glistening blue eyes. His long,silk dirty blond hair hung easily over his eyes. Though, this never bother him when he read. Will's body was fit and tone, his skin perfectly tanned. He was strong and tall, but that didn't make a difference when it came to Brent. He was always shoving Will into the lockers and knocking his books out of his hands, even glaring at him during class! Will didn't know what he did to Brent to make him hate him so much.

Brent was a pretty tall guy, taller than Will in fact. He had short brown hair, that stood as spikes on his head. He looked older than 18 thanks to his facial hair, which he refused to shave. His eyes were a hazel green and flashed with many emotions, never just one. Brent was the kid everyone loved. He was nice, funny, helpful, and smart. What was not to love? Nothing, unless you were Will. Brent didn't like Will for one reason, a reason he wanted to keep a secret.

It was a normal day in Kansas, the sun was out and everything looked so green. Will sat quietly on a bench outside the front doors of the school. His calculus book balanced on his lap as he took a bite from his Subway sandwich, his eyes never leaving his book. Though, when they did leave his book they were searching for Brent. 

Brent sat at the lunch table with his friends, Beau and Mike, as he ate his salad. Brent would turn his head every so often to look at Will sitting outside. He could tell Will was doing work from the way his head hung low, he could also tell that when Will would look up he was looking for him, waiting for Brent to ruin his perfect day.

"Thinking about what you're going to do today?" Beau asked, shoving the last bite of his hamburger in his mouth. Brent looked away from Will, his eyes locking on Beau instead. One of his eyebrows was raised with slight confusion. "I mean, are you planning on how to torture poor Will today? Something new? Or you just going with the normal shoving him against lockers?" Brent lowered his head, he hated when he was reminded of how he made Will's life a living hell.

"Why do you do it anyway B? Seriously, what did the guy ever do to yo-" Brent stood up suddenly, causing Mike to stop.

"You don't understand," Brent growled before storming from the table,"You will never understand!" He yelled as he pulled the front doors open. The other students looked up from their lunches and stopped their conversations to watch him walk over to Will.

Will looked up when he heard someone yell from inside the school, though he could hear them getting closer and closer to him. He knew he made the right choice to turn around to see who it was when Brent grabbed him by his upper fore arm. Will winced as Brent jerked him up from the bench, his book falling off his lap along with his trash.

"Go!" Brent said shoving him towards the side of the school. Will stumbled a few times over his feet as he rushed off, Brent close behind him. He never seen Brent this mad, it made him worry. Would Brent do something different today? Something more painful? Yes, he would do something more painful today.

Brent waited till they were at the back of the school before slamming Will into the hard brick wall. He watched as Will winced, his eyes closing tightly before he pulled his hand back. He had never hit Will before, and as soon as he felt Will's jaw connected with his fist, he wish he kept it that way. He watched as his face scrunched in pain for a second before falling slack. Will's body slowly slid down the wall, his eyes still closed. 

"Oh my god, Will." Brent's eyes were wide, and his voice was soft. He knelt down by Will's  unconscious form. He snaked one of his hands around Will's shoulders and put his other arm behind his knees. Brent lifted him carefully, and began making his way to his car. He could hear the bell ring inside the building and sighed with relief. He knew it would start rumors if anyone saw him carrying Will to his car, and he didn't need that. He stopped at his red Ford truck and fiddled around with the handle a few times before getting the door open. He sat Will down gently in the seat and shut the door before he jogged over, jumping into the drivers side.

My Bully And His Secret (OneShot)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon