Chapter 4: 🎶 I wish you would come back 🎶

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"So what kinds of classes do you take?" Lizzie asks and she takes another sip of her coffee. They had been talking about books for the past ten minutes but she still felt kind of bad about what she'd said earlier. It was clearly a touchy subject.

"Uhh, well last semester I took biology, which was terrible. And now I'm taking intro psych..." Quin mumbles, they were still in an area of conversation that she was used to holding whenever she made polite conversation with adults but there was a feeling of rehearsal and disinterest, like it was all some kind of formality.

"What was so awful about biology?" Lizzie asks softly and Quin looks at her for a moment, just blinking.

"Oh umm, our lab instructor was insane," she laughs slightly. "I mean I honestly don't think he was human."

"What?!" Lizzie laughs.

"Trust me, if you met the guy you would agree," Quin replies easily as she tells Lizzie about how the instructor managed to get a slip of paper that they were supposed to give him without ever leaving the room.

"Oh my god, maybe he is an alien," Lizzie laughs as she listens to the story.

"I know, right?! Plus, he used to lock us in the lab room for the entire time and we couldn't leave for three hours."

"Wait, what?! that sounds...illegal."

"Well there was a fire exit so... technically, no..."

"Oh my god..." Lizzie trails off as she thinks about it. "Were there at least, I don't know... windows?" Lizzie asks, seemingly at a loss for words.

Quin laughs for a second, tilting her head slightly so that her hair covers her face, almost like a veil. "Uhmm, no? The whole thing was like some weird never ending fever dream."

They keep talking for a few more minutes until their phones both begin blowing up.

Scarlett ♥️

Scarlett ♥️: I thought you were just grabbing a quick coffee? (4:17)

Scarlett ♥️: seriously Liz are you dead? (4:23)

Scarlett ♥️: Okay so I don't know how to do the phone tracking thingy but just text me back (4:29)

Scarlett ♥️: Colin thinks you're dead (4:34)

Scarlett ♥️: Okay so now I think you might be dead (4:38)

Scarlett ♥️: I'm gonna get Robert to track your location (4:42)

Lizzie 💕: No I'm not dead it's only been like an hour Scar. I just ran into someone and we started talking (4:45)

Scarlett ♥️: ... do I even want to know? (4:45)

Lizzie 💕: I'll tell you at dinner :) (4:45)

Scarlett ♥️: Okay 😊. Are you on your way back now? (4:45)

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