Chapter 5: Ivy

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"I feel like I'm kinda well versed in the world of drugs," Yiannis announces as he and Bella walk into the cafe.

"I'm sorry, what?" Zeke asks as he stands up from where he was sitting on the edge of the couch.

"Okay, so maybe you shouldn't say stuff like that out loud," Quin replies from her usual spot on the couch, feet resting on the coffee table. She closes her book part way to look at her friends.

"I was helping him study for his psych exam," Bella explains as she drops her bag and coat to the floor beside the coffee table in a jumbled heap.

"And the exam is about drugs?" Zeke asks as he walks behind the counter to make Yiannis his usual latte.

"No actually, I'm pretty sure it's about butterflies," Quin remarks sarcastically, going back to reading her book.

"Hilarious," Bella responds after shooting Quin a 'ha ha very funny' kind of look. "Yes, it's about drugs." She joins Zeke behind the counter to make herself some english breakfast tea.

"Do you want any tea?" Bella asks Quin as she starts the teapot.

"Yeah, I think we just got a new one from Turkey."

"Okay, cool. Can I try some of yours?"

"Yeah, of course," Quin replies, flipping through the pages of her book and trying to find the quote she'd been looking for. "Wait isn't our psych exam not for like three weeks?" Quin asks, looking at Yiannis who had taken up his usual spot in one of the adjacent arm chairs.

"Yeah. But, girl, I cannot spend only two days studying for it like I did last time. I'm gonna fail!" he says, his voice getting a little higher as he half whispers and half screams the last part.

"You're not gonna fail. I'll help you study," Quin reassures him with an exasperated sigh, closing her book again.

"So when exactly does the questioning begin?" Bella half jokes as she hands Quin a cup of tea and sits down on the floor on the opposite side of the table, leaning against an ottoman that they usually used as an extra chair.

"I thought we'd wait until Lucy and Celine get here?" Quin tries, knowing that they will absolutely not wait that long. It was a miracle they waited until now to bring it up.

"Fine," Yiannis sighs dramatically as Zeke hands him his latte and he leans back in his chair.

They're quiet for a moment and Quin opens up her book again, pretending not to notice, or at least trying to ignore, her friends' desperation to hear the full story.

"So Zeke says you met at the grocery store?" Bella says, breaking the silence. And Quinlynn groans, shutting her book and leaning against the back of the couch.

"Seriously? You guys can't wait?" Quin asks, looking at her friends. She's only half annoyed because she does want to tell them she just doesn't like to repeat herself. And that seems like a reasonable request.

"Girl, please," Yiannis says, sitting up in his chair. "You met Elizabeth Olsen and didn't tell us!!?!!" He screams, his voice going high and squeaky again. "I can't with you."

"Yeah well—"

"We're here," Celine announces as she and Lucy walk into the cafe, Celine holding a starbucks refresher in her hand.

"You could've gotten that here you know," Zeke says, half glaring at Celine's drink.

"And it would've been cheaper," Lucy adds with a sigh. "She knows." Lucy slumps down on the couch beside Quin, leaning her head against her shoulder.

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