Chapiter 5

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Demi POV :

We were already on our third session and things were getting better and better with Wilmer. Even if at first he wasn't convinced, I could see that he was making an effort and he hadn't touched me since our first session. I can't say that his insecurities and jealousy were completely gone, but after a long discussion I had managed to reassure him. The only thing was, I was leaving in 3 days for a 4-month tour with a few return trips to LA and probably one visit a month from Wilmer, but not enough to follow a couple's therapy programme.

I was just finishing packing my suitcase when Wilmer came into the room.

- Are you putting me in your suitcase? He said, miming.
- If I could, you know I'd stay...
- Yes, but you've got to enjoy your career and meet your fans.

He came up behind me and put his hands on my stomach.

- And then... when you come back... we'll do a little Willy? He whispers in my ear while keeping his hands on my stomach.

I freeze for a moment and get scared. Of course I wanted to start a family with Wilmer but... not in the near future. It was too soon for me, for my career and also in view of our marital situation...

- before that, you'd have to propose to me first. I say, laughing and trying to get out of this situation.

- I will do it. he said before leaving.

A wave of heat swept through me and I gasped for a moment. I was completely confused. I didn't know what I wanted, I didn't even know if I was ready to marry him. I love him without a doubt but... I was still too young to tie my life to someone else for good, I had so many things to do and see and learn about myself... anyway... there's no point stressing about it now, you'll see when the time comes. I thought.


We had just finished our second show in Chicago. The atmosphere was at its peak, the rooms were full and there was nothing but laughter on stage and backstage. Nick had a bus tour and so did I. But we spent most of the time in mine because it was bigger.

I was just finishing taking off my make-up when I heard a knock on my door.

- Are you on your own? I said when I saw Nick.
- Yes... they wanted to go to the bar but I was too tired... he said as he came in and sat on the sofa.
- Oh... I understand, Natalie and Sofia went to the casino... so I'm alone too. I was going to watch a series and sleep.
- Sounds like a good plan to me. Do you mind if I come with you.
- You're joking.  I hate being alone," I said quietly. And I love your company! But I get to choose the film!
- Deal! He laughs and turns on the TV.


I woke up in my bed, with no memory of how I had got there... then I briefly remembered Nick trying to wake me but I was too tired to respond so he carried me to my bed and under my covers. A smile appeared on my face. I was in a good mood in the morning, which didn't happen very often at home.

I dressed quickly and washed up. After drinking my coffee, I put on some sunglasses, grabbed my gym bag and headed to the gym near our 'camp'. When I got to the gym I put my bag down next to the machines I was going to use.

I was warming up for 10 minutes on a treadmill when I heard his voice.

- I see we had the same idea. says Nick, approaching my machine and increasing my speed.
- Ehhh! Come on, I'm a fast runner but there are limits. Come on, stop, I'm telling you. Oh..." I said, trying to stop him from touching the machine.

After a few seconds of annoying me he finally put my base speed back on and I took the opportunity to get off the machine.

- Watch your back! Now that I know what you're capable of, I'm not going to be shy. I said.
- as if I were scared of you! He retorted before touching my nose with his index finger.

His face was so close to mine that for a few seconds I lost myself in his eyes. His hot breath brushed my lips and my imagination ran riot. Then I took my eyes off him and resumed my session. He did the same and sat down on a machine.


A few days later

It had been a busy day, I had been running all over the place and I'd just had a fight with Wilmer. He'd come across some shots of me at the gym and in the restaurant with Nick, whom he'd judged too complicit and close. He got carried away and for the first time since our consultations he called me names and threatened to come and take care of me properly. I was distraught and still had to pretend that everything was fine in front of everyone.

Nick POV :

Demi and I were getting closer and closer and spent most of our days together, even on our days off. I enjoyed every moment with her and savoured them as if they were my last. She was so sweet, funny and unpredictable all at the same time. I envied Wilmer's life more and more and having this angel fallen from heaven by his side every day. Even though I had her by my side, I didn't have everything about her, I couldn't watch her take off her make-up before going to bed, wait for her in bed and hold her in my arms until the morning. This tour was both the best thing that ever happened to me and the worst. Every moment we spent together, every laugh, I imagined her voluptuous lips against mine and her breath mingling with mine. The performances were becoming more and more complicated for me, seeing her every evening in these outfits revealing her perfect shape without being able to be the one to take them off  her was a real nightmare.

The whole team was at the Coco Bambou this evening to celebrate the sold-out shows we'd just done. Everyone was already outside the venue except Demi. I was beginning to get impatient when she opened the door of her bus and appeared in a midnight blue dress that hugged her slim waist perfectly.

Throughout the evening Demi had been particularly distant from me and hadn't spoken to me. She was dancing with Natalie when I heard her phone ringing repeatedly. Curious, I got closer and saw dozens of messages from Wilmer, all alarming and in capital letters.


I couldn't see the rest of the message but it was enough to worry me. I grabbed her phone and walked into the crowd to look for Demi.

- Hey... we can talk..." I said in his ear.
- Now?! I'm dancing... she said under her breath.
- It's  important.

She huffed a second time, then followed me to a quieter corner.

- I was talking to the guys when I saw your phone ring. I said, holding up her phone. Wilmer's been sending you a lot of messages and... they're quite violent.
- What? Did you go and read my messages? What the fuck nick ! She said angrily, taking her phone from my hands...
- Yeah... I know I shouldn't have but...
- There's no buts ! That sort of thing is private. I thought I could trust you...! She says, wrinkling her eyebrows.
- You can trust me... and I'm worried about you. Look for yourself... do you think what he's telling you is normal?

She opened her phone and went into her messages. There were over 15 messages from Wilmer and I had  only seen the first few but it was enough to terrify me. Demi read all the messages without flinching or raising an eyebrow, which made me think it wasn't the first time she'd received messages like that.

- We had a fight earlier... he's just
angry, he'll get over it. She said before turning to leave.

- where are you going?
- I'm going home. I've got to call him...
- Not on your own, I'll walk you home. I said, leaving her no choice.

When we arrived in front of our buses, I didn't want to leave her alone. Knowing her, I knew she was holding back, but she would burst into tears as soon as she closed the door.

- Tell me... does he often talk to you like that?
- Not really. she says, lowering her head. I... He's just jealous enough so...
- So he accuses you of cheating on him and harasses you with messages? Do you think this is normal? I swear, it's really ... I would never do that. I...
- Look, you don't know anything about our relationship, so stop trying to help or understand me. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to go and call my man, who I love, and try to put things right!

She moved away and opened the door of her bus before slamming it hard. I was still standing there, unable to understand how she could make excuses for the way he had spoken to her in the few messages I had been able to read.
I would never treat her like that, if she was with me this kind of thing would never happen. I thought.

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