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"It isn't against the Law to be an idiot."

As you stood on the windowsill, the question keeps revolving in your mind: "Should I let go?" You can't help but feel that your life had been a complete waste of time and money, at least that's what you believe. Everyone you've loved has been hurt, and you blame yourself for it.

"F**k this shit," you mutter, slowly releasing your left hand and closing your eyes. Just as you're about to let go with your other hand, the sound of the doorbell interrupts your thoughts.

"Go away, no one's home."

"Yn... it's me, Eren."

Your eyes widen at the familiar name. Hastily, you abandon the windowsill and dash towards the door, swinging it open to let the guy in.

"What do you want?"

"Chill, Yn, I just got here."

You roll your eyes and grasp his collar. "Listen here, you stupid piece of shit. Why don't you just listen to me for once and tell me why the hell you're here? I haven't got all day."

Eren chuckles lightly and yanks your hand away from his collar. "Listen... there's been a new case reported, and I think it's related to... Bonten."

Suddenly, your knees feel weak. "I... I don't care. I don't care if it's related to Bonten or not. So just shut the hell up and leave."

Eren stares at you and heaves a sigh.

"Yn... you need to get over HIM."


"Yn... you're not thinking this through."


Eren stares at you with pity. He knew this is how it was going to turn out, but he hoped it would have been slightly better. Turning to leave, he drops a file on the floor before departing.

"It's the details of the case... please feel free to contact me in case you change your mind."

"Are you deaf?! I just told you to leave, not to keep chatting."

And with that, the meeting ends. You stand where you are, tears welling in your eyes. Meanwhile, Eren exits your small apartment and gets into his BMW.

"That dumbass... what the hell is his problem? How does he have the audacity to come back after everything?" You scoff at the file, ready to toss it in the garbage bin. As you go to do so, a paper slips out—a photo of a girl.


"Boss, should we get going?" the driver asks, starting the engine.

"No, not yet. I'm waiting for someone," Eren replies, a small smile lingering.

"You seriously think she's going to come back?"

"Of course she will. She must."

Eren closes his tired eyes, resting his head on his hands. Before he can drift off, a loud knock on the window jolts him awake. He opens his eyes, smiling. "So, you came, Yn."

Rolling your eyes, you retort, "Are you going to let me in or what?" Eren opens the door, allowing you to enter.

"You look like a mess," Eren comments, observing your tired face.

"My appearance doesn't concern you, Mr. Yeager," you snap, tying your short hair into a messy bun.

"Mr. Sato, let's get going," Eren announces.

"Yes, sir."

"Where are we going?" you ask, resting your head against the window.

"The crime site."


There was only one word to describe the dead body - horrible.

"What the hell" You whispered softly as you stared at the gruesome sight before you . The girl's hands and legs were brutally servered and her throat was slashed halfway through . It was a scene that made your stomach churn . Whoever had done must have some serious problems.  

"Here lies the dead body of Tachibana Hinata ,"Eren announced solemnly. 

You rolled your eyes as, finding it hard to listen as Eren continued to drone on about the details  . You didn't care,  you already knew who was responsible for it . "Do you have any leads?", you asked  trying to focus on the task at hand as you carefully inspected the mutilated body. 

"No, not yet," Eren admitted.

You raised your eyebrows in frustration turning towards him ."Then why did you say it was relate to Bonten?"

Eren sighed heavily,  his expressin grave as he retrieved a note from his pocket and pressed it into your hands.

Frowning, you unfolded the note .

                                                                            This isn't over yet darling 

The words on the paper send a shiver down your spine , a chilling remainder of the danger lurking in the shadows .

You recognized the handwriting all too well—it was your best friend's, Rindou's. Or rather, he used to be your best friend.

"Does this mean anything to you... Yn?"

"Nope... I have no clue... but it's definitely Bonten who did this," you replied, your voice tinged with resignation.

Eren nodded and took the note back. "Very well... thank you for your help. Let's meet tomorrow. I think you should head home now..."

You nodded, feeling the weight of exhaustion settling in as you made your way toward the main road.

"Mikey... why don't you ever stop... you fucking monster..."


"Hello, Mrs. Kurukawa."

You smiled at the nurse, Sora. "Hello, Sora... how was your day?"

"Oh, you know the drill... taking care of patients, writing reports, blah blah blah," she replied with a tired smile.

You smiled back at her before heading to one of the hospital wards. As you entered the room, the cold air bit at your soft skin. The room was eerily silent, too silent. Hanging your coat on a nearby chair, you sank into it, feeling the heaviness of the moment weigh upon you.

There was someone else in the room—a figure lying on the hospital bed, eyes shut, body cold and still. With pale hair spread across the pillow and light brown skin adding color to the otherwise pale surroundings, he was undeniably beautiful.

You stared at him, feeling tears welling up in your eyes. You couldn't bear the sight, but you were accustomed to it.

"Hello, my love," you whispered, gently stroking his head as tears streamed down your face. You longed to see his purple eyes, but you knew it was futile. He was trapped inside his body, stuck in a coma... forever.

Bending over, you pressed a gentle kiss to his pale lips. They felt lifeless, void of the passion that once ignited your soul.

Wiping away your tears, you lay your head next to his chest, wrapping your arms around him. Slowly, you closed your eyes, seeking solace in the darkness as you drifted off to sleep, clutching onto the hope that one day, he might awaken from his endless slumber.

"Please wake up my love"

(A/N) note : Hope you enjoyed this chapter . I'm sorry if it was kinda short . Just so you know yn is 28 rn. Aight byeee💞💞

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