Chapter 8: placing the barrier.
After noticing that many other worlds were trying to steal amber away. Earick went to the center of the castle. Placing a barrier. To protect from those who would listen in. protecting from the pink spirit. And all of her children. Making it so she can never hurt amber in any world or dimension ever again. With the power of the elements. They are born from amber. And the gods and guardians that were born of and created by amber.
And they will never find each other in any dimension. And can never harm her ever again. Physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally.
Not a single god or guardian can be bewitched. Can't be charmed. And or immune to the pink spirits control.
romantic horror nick
Cerita Pendeksorry, I have no idea if this story would save you. but I will try to write more I just felt I needed to post what I have right now.