The Past

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A/N: Trigger warnings for mentions of blood and wounds, emotional and physical abuse by/from parents, child neglect, and bullying.

Couple of other things to note: this story will follow both the harry potter books and movies. Some parts do play a bit fast and loose with the canon and some details will be changed or modified throughout the story. Also please remember that there is little canon information available about the marauders. A lot of what I've written for this section that takes place in the marauders era is my own creation. Lastly, this is my first time publishing HP fanfiction so please be kind. Comments are always appreciated.

I'd also like to state that I don't not agree with or condone any of J.K. Rowling's harmful and  transphobic statements or actions.  

With that, please enjoy the story~

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Amalthea Black lay against the cold hard ground, staring up at the sky. Or rather, she stared as best as she could. Blood dripped heavily into her left eye, obscuring her vision completely. Her right eye blurred from dizziness and disorientation. Still, she kept her eyes on the sky.

The trees reached ever upwards, their branches like dark smudges across the sky. No clouds marred the sky that night and Thea swore she could see the stars move.

As she lay there, her body twitching in pain, Thea's mind drifted in and out. And Thea dreamt of the past.

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Sep. 1st, 1972 - First Year

"Black, Amalthea!" Professor McGonagall called out. Thea's palms grew clammy. This was her chance -her chance to make her mother and father proud. She could clearly recall her mother commanding her just that morning to be sorted into Slytherin or else.

"You and Regulus are our last hope," her mother had said. "You must honor the Black name."

Honor the Black name. That meant getting sorted into Slytherin and being the perfect pureblood princess her parents wanted. Thea didn't want to disappoint her parents. She'd seen first hand the abuse her older brother, Sirius had faced after being sorted into Gryffindor. So she sat down as the sorting hat was placed upon her head, hoping to fulfill her mother's wishes.

"Ah, another Black is it? Well let's see then. I sense a cleverness in you, yes. You'd do well in Ravenclaw. A bit of cunning as well. Perhaps Slytherin, like your family before you? Oh, a dash of daring too -maybe Gryffindor, like your brother? No, no, not quite right. There is kindness in your heart and a fierce loyalty too, hm," the hat droned on.

"Ah I know, better be HUFFLEPUFF!" the hat cried out. Thea felt the blood drain from her face. Regulus, her twin brother, stared at her in abject horror. She stumbled towards the Hufflepuff table, uncertain and hesitant. Thea could distantly hear Sirius whistling and cheering her name. Of course he would think this was an accomplishment rather than a failure.

How could she possibly be a Hufflepuff?

Thea knew one thing for certain. Her mum and dad were going to kill her.

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March 31st, 1973 - First Year

Thea sketched her brother, doing her best to capture the glow of the sunset on his face. It was practice in a way. Drawing had always been her hobby, but Thea was by no means an expert at it. She wanted to get better. Practice was the best way to do that. Besides, Regulus didn't mind sitting for her sketches. He'd sat for her drawings hundreds of times before. Thea always let him keep the best copies, as payment.

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