Prisoner of Azkaban Pt. 1

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A/N: Trigger warning for light/mild panic-attack


"Rem, I'm home!" Thea called out as she hung up her jacket and shoved off her boots.

"In here, love," Remus called from the kitchen. Thea could smell freshly baked bread and roasting vegetables through the house. Coming home to Remus' dinners was one of her favorite things. Thea walked into the kitchen, wrapping her arms around Remus' waist as he stood at the stove. She rested her cheek against his back, letting her eyes close and sighing into him.

"How was Neville?" Remus asked, as he continued to cook.

"Good!" Thea said. "He really enjoyed the seed set we got him. And the enchanted planner too. He said he missed you though."

"Glad to hear he liked the gifts," Remus chuckled. "And I'll write to him soon, apologizing."

"No need," Thea said. "Neville understands you couldn't get the time off."

"Hm, I'll still write," Remus said. "And Augusta? How was she?"

Thea groaned. "Don't get me started. I swear that woman grows stricter every day -always putting such high expectations on the poor boy. If I could abduct him without facing her wrath, I would."

Remus laughed. "I would hate to see a showdown between you and that old bat -would be quite scary."

"Oh she'd flatten me in a duel in an instant. That's why I only fight her with words," Thea laughed too. Remus flicked off the stove, moving to plate up their dinner. He was forced to waddle with Thea still clinging to his back.

"Not gonna release me?" Remus said, amused.

"Nope," Thea said, snuggling in closer. "Just let me stay here like this for a minute." Thea could hear the frying pan and plates being set down. Remus' hands came up to wrap around hers where they rested on his middle.

"Alright then," Remus said. Thea stayed just like that for a minute or two more, soaking up the comfort of her husband. She would never get enough of him, not for as long as she lived. Luckily, Remus was happy to oblige her random bursts of affection without question.

"You can go free now," Thea sighed as she released Remus. He caught her by the elbow and pulled her in for a short and sweet kiss. Thea softened into it, relishing in the domestic bliss of it all.

Remus plated up their dinners quickly -consisting of baked chicken, roasted veggies, and homemade rolls. They ate slowly, exchanging small tidbits about their days and enjoying one another's company. But after a turn, when their plates were scraped clear, Remus' face grew more serious.

"The paper arrived while you were out," Remus said.

"Oh, anything interesting?" Thea said, absentmindedly as she collected their dishes. It was tradition for Remus to cook and for Thea to clean. Remus followed her in towards the sink.

"You could say that..." Remus said, waving his wand to summon the paper in from the other room. Thea dried her hands off, turning around to see what was so interesting about the news today.

Escape from Azkaban!

The headline glared back at Thea from the front page of the Daily Prophet. Accompanying it was a large mugshot of the last person Thea ever wanted to see again. Sirius Black.

Thea leaned back against the sink, a deep sigh escaping from her. 12 years. Thea had gotten 12 years away from the war, from the past, from everything. 12 years of building a life and trying to move on. 11 of those years spent in marital bliss and domestic peace with Remus. 12 years of processing and dealing with all of her losses. 12 years of loving the ones she still had -Remus, Neville, Alice & Frank, Connley, Maxine. 12 years. 12 years. And all of it swept away by one news article. How quickly the rug was pulled out from under them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13 ⏰

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