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Leon, Helena and Judy open a door to the roof to see zombies all over. Helena and Leon pull out their guns at the zombies. Leon looks ahead to see the helicopter "there's out ticket outta here...If we can get to it" Leon says as tentacles starts to stab zombies lighting them on fire breaking apart and getting absorbed to see Simmons with tentacles

"He just doesn't quit, Does he?"

"Enough is enough" Leon says quietly "your're finally going to get what's coming to you simmons"

"I'm sure they saved a room for you in hell" Simmons slamms his tentacles down as everyone moves out of the way missing them. Leon shoots in the chest making simmons get on his knees. Zombie runs at him eating simmons

"Now! Go!" Leon opens the door for the girls as they run through

Judy now is gonna be the ones with nightmares. I wish I protected her...Better then I did

Leon cups his hands  at a lift "up you go" Leon says As Helena jumps up. Leon picks up judy handing her to Helena. Leon jumps up as Helena grabs him helping him up as Something gets spitted on them as the lift start to move. Leon falls on his side while helena and Judy fall backwards

"Leon!" Helena yells to see Leon landed in a cart

"I'm all right! Just get me out of here!" Leon looks up to see a huge bug

"ok!" Helena yells as Judy and Helena run off

"So you like it rough huh?" Leon starts shooting at Simmons as the cart starts to move "Whatever you're doing, it's working"

"Thank you daughter for touching stuff" Helena chuckles in the radio "We've got your back"

"Come in handy that trait" Leon chuckles shooting at Simmons as the cart keeps moving

"Leon, you're all clear! Get out of there!" Helena yells as Leon looks behind him as Simmons jumps on the cart. Leon jumps out fo the cart catching the edge climbing up

Time skip
Leon and Helena jump over a railing  as tentacles are grabbing more zombies coming up as a bigger bug "Judy! Stay up there!" Judy nods to look at a mutated simmons "All, right we need to ground this asshole" They hear lightening "As long as he's airborne, We're not going anywhere in that chopper"

"I'll be damned If I'm gonna let him stop us" Helena sees simmons cover his eyes "He's trying to protect his head!"

Leon shoots at his legs knocking him down a bit "I'm not getting a clean shot"

Simmons inhales a zombie with a metal road electricuting himself making him scream and drop the metal road "A lightening rod" Leon runs toward it "If he absorbs that, he'd be in for a shock" Leon picks it up stabbing a zombie to it "go for his legs!" Leon yells as they shoot his legs. Simmons screams falling to the ground taking in the zombie Leon just stabbed.

"Judy get down here!" Leon orders as Judy jumps down. Simmons screetches in pain getting electricuted falling over slamming his legs around making them all jump back onto another platform

Leon catches Judy and sighs in relief "Gotcha, You bastard!" Helena yells as things start to explode

"Head for the chopper. The floor isn't stable"

Judy can go home now...and be safe...Simmons is gone

Leon Buckles Judy in the helicopter "Leon!"" helena yells as Simmons bug legs jump back up slowly

"Oh, shit!" Leon yells then looks down at a rocket launcher leaning on the helicopter. Leon picks it up "That's for my wife" Leon shoots simmons making him fall backwards. Judy jumps out of the helicopter and runs with helena and Leon toward the dge to see Simmons break apart into semi human to a metal pike through his mouth 

Judy gasps to the see his blood drip all over the flor create a red umbrella symbol. "is it now over?"

"that's for my sister" Helena whispers

Leon nods smiling "Come on. Let's get to the choppper

Time Skip - one week later
Ada left us the evidence against simmons and so did Yoon... Past week has been a bunch of clearing up. Judy's scared as hell she's been in the hospital all week for her inuries. I've been with her almost the whole time. I have to now make a decision now where her life takes her.

Helena is waking with flowers in hand toward a grave tombstone as Hunnigan and Leon are behind pushing Judy's wheelchair with bandages and a s signed filled leg cast. helena kneels down dropping flowers at Deborah's grave "it's time for me to take responsiblity" helena quietly says before getting up facing hunnigan and Leon to see black cars and government agents behind as well as Yoon "Thank you. I'm ready"

Leon looks at Hunnigan nodding as her walks over to Helena taking her wrist and giving her a pistol"

"What?" helena asks in disbelief "But I assisted in the attack!"

Leon turns around toward Judy and Hunnigan "The investigating commission have reviewed the evidence, and feel it unjust to hold you liable for simmons crime" Hunnigan explains "They will also not be disclosing their findings to the public"


"The president would have done the same" Leon interupts "You saved my daughter Helena" Leon smiles at her as Judy smiles at her

"All right, Shall we go join the team?" Hunnigan asks as she walks off and Helena follows behind

Leon faces Judy kneeling down to her level "Dad?"

"yes?" Leon smiles

"Grandpa said it was ok to ask you.."

"go ahead"

"Can I go back home? you're a hero in all of his stories... And I dreamed about seeing you..." Leon looks down and sad "And your here. grandpa said mom's killer's been caught and-" Judy looks at Leon's sad expression as her voice starts to crack "I can't go home...?"

Leon looks up at her and shakes his head "I'm sorry I can't"

"why?" Judy holds back her tears

"Because you're still not safe with me..."

If it wasn't for me she would have been safe. I nearly got her killed multiple times in china...She saw things. I don't want to come home to her covered in blood and unsafe

Judy nods "I understand"

Leon stands up "I love you"

"Am I going to see you again?"

Leon smiles "You bet kid"

"I'm gonna wait for you and I'm gonna tell you everything" Judy smiles

"That's my girl" Leon smiles as Yoon comes up from behind

"ready?" Yoon asks smiling

Judy nods "Bye dad...I love you" Yoon wheels her away from behind as she waves at him. Leon holds back his tears and forces his smiles as yoon helps her in the car. Leon stays right where he is seeing the car go.

Judy struggles to get on her knees "Judy!" Yoon scolds her as she looks out the back window putting her hand on the back.

Judy watches Leon's figure get further and further "I'll see you again"

One miracle (book 4)Where stories live. Discover now