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"Sabre, you are banished from all of our kingdoms and if you return then we will have to execute you, you have two hours to get your stuff and leave."The leaders say in unison some clearly not wanting to but must, time and elemental start arguing with it saying that if Sabre must leave then they will but Sabre is barely able to understand everything."Sabre, let's go elemental has got your stuff"Time says calmly holding Sabre as both elemental and time teleport to galaxy's house.
"What, are you guys ok?!"Galaxy asks them as he helps Sabre up and holds him in his arms."The leaders banished Sabre and we came with but they said that they would execute him if he went back"Time explains while elemental put Sabre's stuff away and Galaxy comforts Sabre. Time and Elemental organise a room for Sabre next to Galaxy's room and Sabre sits next to Galaxy as he feels safe with these three.
A year later
Sabre is downstairs cooking breakfast for them all and Galaxy walks over to Sabre and hugs him from behind like he has done for the past six months."Good morning Sabre"Galaxy says tiredly and Sabre slightly blushes like he does most days when he is cooking."Morning Galaxy"Sabre says still cooking,"Can you call Time and Elemental down for breakfast?"He asks Galaxy while Galaxy hasn't let go of Sabre. Time and Elemental come down for breakfast and the four enjoy their day as normal unknowing of what is happening With the leaders.
With the leaders
"What are we going to do with the darkness infecting our people?"The Yellow leader asks to the other leaders about what they are going to do with the darkness coming back."I think we need to bring Sabre back to help us"Orange leader suggests and everyone else looks at him like he's gone insane."Why would you suggest that? He'll get us all killed!"Blue leader shouts at Orange leader with everyone agreeing but green and violet leader agreeing with Orange leader."Stop it all of you! this is getting us nowhere and blue I think we should give the idea a try, it's the best we've got"Indigo says getting them all to Stop. They write a letter to Sabre saying that they made a mistake and need their help.

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