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"Hello leaders"Sabre say coolly and all the leaders turn to him in shock and confusion."Hello Sabre"Orange leader says nervously and stepping forward slightly."Watch it Orange"Glaxay says giving the leaders a death stare from behind Sabre."Oh, you must be those Sabre said that he was bringing with him, Hello I am Orange leader"Orange leader say while also introducing his fellow leaders. Galaxy scoffs at the patheticness of these lot 'no wonder they need someone as great as Sabre' he thought while still giving them a death stare from behind Sabre as Time and Elemental are standing next to Sabre."Shall we get to planning as the darkness won't just back away?"Sabre says while getting to where his old chair is with one extra seat to his right (that was Rainbows) and two extra seats to his left (that were light and time's). Galaxy sits in the seat to Sabre's right with Elemental taking the closest left seat and Time in his old seat with Sabre in his old seat.
At dinner
"Sabre, how have you been over the past year"Green leader asks as Sabre swallows his food."I've been good, Galaxy and the others are really kind"Sabre says happily especially when mentioning Galaxy. The leaders all look at each other at the happiness Sabre is expressing that he never expressed infront of them before."Galaxy, can I talk to you outside?"Orange leader asks and Galaxy nods while walking to the corridor.
Two minutes later
Orange leader and Galaxy are heard shouting at each other through the door as they closed it behind him.

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