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Sabre stares at the letter saying that the leaders need him to help them defeat the darkness as it is back."Sabre you know you don't have to go and help them"Galaxy says calmly while hugging him."B..But What if their only doing this to lure me into being executed?!"Sabre shouts, holding onto Galaxy as tightly as he did that first night after they banished him."How about we all go with you when you go to see them?"Time explains as its clear Sabre isn't leaving Galaxy's side or that they are going to let him do this alone."O..Okay Time, thanks for all you guys have done for me"Sabre says with tears in his eyes and time and Elemental join the hug. Meanwhile the leaders get Sabre's letter saying he's coming but is bringing those he trusts and everyone goes to sleep.
With the leaders
"Guys, we got a response from Sabre!"Orange leader says running into the meeting room."It says 'Dear leaders, I will come and help you but I will be coming with those I trust. Please when we no longer need to work together, do not contact me after that as I enjoy my life how it has been for the past year and do not wish to go back to how it was previously.'"Violet leader reads out. They all discuss what to do when Sabre arrives and also try and guess who he's bringing with him.

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