Chapter Two: Dex

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Dex was the first one sitting at the large table in Everglen where he was told to meet. It was about some kind of "emergency" that Mr. Forkle had explained. And Dex knew that no matter how important it could be, if he didn't show up early- the others were bound to start without him.

Dex wanted every bit of information that he could get.

The door suddenly swung open. Dex looked up from the glass table eagerly to see who it was- but his insides curdled at the sight.

It was Stina- Stina Heks, his mortal enemy, his nemesis- definitely not a friend.

She scowled when she saw him- as usual- and took a seat at the very far side of the table, away from Dex.

"Don't think your saving any seats for those losers- these are for my friends." Stina gestured to three vacant chairs next to her.

Dex rolled his eyes. "Why would they want to sit to you anyway?"

"I don't know- maybe to get a break from you. They've already been avoiding you anyway," Stina snapped- her face heated with anger.

Dex opened his mouth, then closed it. He felt a few tears prickling in his eyes. He held them back. No way was he going to let Stina see him cry. Even though for once- she had made a point.

"I thought so," she said, smirking at him because Dex knew that she knew that she won.

The doors opened again, and both of their eyes flew to the entry to see which one of their friends would come through.

But it wasn't either of their friends- it was Mr. Forkle.

"You kids- always coming before the host," Mr. Forkle grumbled, but Dex saw a small smile on his gravely old face.

It always surprised Dex how an elf could look more ancient then Bronte- which was shown in more detail as the old man had a hard time sitting down in a seat next to Stina.

"Sorry but that was for one of my-" Stina started, hesitantly- but Mr. Forkle interrupted her.

"Actually, Miss. Heks, you and Mr. Dizznee are the only ones I invited to this lovely home today."

"WHAT?!" Dex and Stina shouted.

Stina stood up. "Whatever is happening- I don't want anything to do with him." She pointed at Dex with a shaking finger.

"Same here," Dex said angrily, pushing back his seat and standing up too.

Mr. Forkle sighed heavily, drumming his fingers on the table.

"I was hoping that you two would- ah, possibly work with each other." He said quietly.

Stina laughed loudly. "You really thought I could work with him? I'm sorry Forkle, I've played enough of your games. I'm out."

Dex felt relieved as she marched over to the door and was about to grab the handle when Mr. Forkle spoke again.

"Well, yes. You both have a lot in common. Both have great talents that generally go unnoticed. You both tend to make some decisions based on anger and jealousy. Both of you also never really get a say in what happens in Miss. Foster's "plans" and you are both rarely included. So yes, I assumed that you two would at least be neutral with each other, if not friends."

Stina gaped at Mr. Forkle. So was Dex. How could he believe that they had anything in common. They were complete opposites!

"Anyway, aren't you both looking for the chance to work on a secret project? Something that is important and will change the course of this war?"

Dex glanced at Stina and reluctantly nodded. He saw that Stina had the same expression.

"Great," Mr. Forkle said cheerfully, "Then let me introduce you to Project Sensetelepis"


Pronunciation Guide: Sensetelepis: Sense-eh-teL-eh-pis

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