First love.

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It's 4pm on Saturday . Just a normal day. Lucy and tim had work and Tamara stayed at home.

Tamara got bored so she invited her boyfriend Owen over for a little till 8pm which is when Lucy and Tim get back home.

*knock *knock

TA- coming!

Tamara looks through the pep hole and smiles to see it's Owen on the other side

TA- come in.

Owen walks in a wraps his arms around Tamara's waist and gives her a hug and kiss

TA- I missed you to
~Tamara giggles~

O- so what'd you plan on doing

TA- I was thinking we could chill in my room and watch a movie with snacks.

O - sounds like a plan

TA- mmmm what snacks would you like sweet or salty?

O - is both an option?

TA - always

Tamara smiles at him and turns to get them a few snacks.

~ 5 mins later ~

Tamara walks in her room where Owen is sitting on the bed scrolling through movies

TA - you find anything

O - Riverdale?

TA- omg yes I love that

They get to the bed and Owen opens the covers and pulls it over them both , resting Tamara's head on his chest.

~ 1 hour goes by ~

TA- mhmm imma go to the bathroom I'll be back

O - ok

Tamara gets up and Owen smacks her ass lightly

TA- hey!

O- gotcha

TA- I'll get you back

O - mhm yeah right

Tamara goes to the bathroom and Owen throws the trash away and goes back in bed.

~ 5 mins later ~

Tamara runs out the bathroom and jumps on Owen

Owen wraps his arms around her and flips them over making him on top.

TA- hey

Tamara and Owen giggle

O - nice try

Owen and Tamara stare at eachother in the eyes for a few seconds , Owen slowly moves his head down and meets there lips.

TA- mhm wait

Tamara mumbles between there lips as he pulls away

TA- what time is it

O - 4:25

TA- plenty of time

Tamara moves her head up and moves her right hand behind his neck and pressed there lips together and the other hand tugging him down by his hoodie.

Owen's hand move up and down Tamara's shirt and lifts it up and pulls it up and over her head.

Tamara tugs at his hoodie and he pauses to sit up over her and pull the hoodie over his head showing his abs.

Tamara draws her fingers over his abs down to tug his pants.

They meet lips again and and Owen unties her bra and moves his head to her neck , sucking on the lose skin.

Everything was fine until i told himWhere stories live. Discover now