Tim reaction

715 9 3

8pm Tim walks through the door seeing Tamara and Lucy cuddled up on the couch watching a movie.

T - hey I'm home

Lucy and Tamara both turn.

L - hey

Lucy gets up and walks over to Tim and gives him a kiss

Tamara scoffs quietly turning her head back towards the tv , realizing she has to tell tim.

T - mhmm so I picked up some salads from the store

L - aw babe you didn't have to we had frozen food

T - figured I'd get us something since that's all we've had time for this whole week

L - thanks

Lucy turns to face Tamara

L- hey tam. , Tim picked up salads

TA - oooo yes coming

They sit down to eat and Tim goes to take a shower

~ with Lucy and Tamara at the kitchen counter~
They both are sitting on the stools eating

L - soo are you gonna tell Tim or you know wait until

TA - I don't know Lucy I mean I'm sacred and I'm trying to play it off. I mean I just don't wanna really talk about it.

L - that's fine. You don't have to tell him

TA- I want him to know but I... ugh I don't know

Tamara brings her arms up and lays her head in her hand, resting her elbows on the counters

L - don't stress it. If you want I'll tell him

Tamara removes her hands from her face

TA- thanks

L - of course

TA- I'm gonna go in bed.

L - ok goodnight

Tamara hugs Lucy and walks off

Lucy continues to eat waiting for Tim to get out he shower


T - you ok

L - oh eh yeah

Lucy picks at the salad with her fork

T - you sure

L - no actually

Lucy puts the fork down turning to face Tim on the stool and pat's the other stool for him to sit down

T - what's bothering you

L - well Tamara she could be pregnant and we went to every pharmacy that sells plan B pills but they all were sold out

T - who was the man?

L - it was an accident. She brought him here and they hooked up not really planning to and they didn't use protection. God I feel stupid I could've gave her a supply of stuff.

T - Lucy it was a simple mistake. It could happen to anyone. We'll figure it out and hey look even if she is pregnant we can help her or just her boyfriend

L - yeah well her boy friend sounded pissed when he heard about it.

T - he is young ok he just panicked. I mean come on Luce think about it how would you react if you found out you could possibly be a parents before the age of 20

L - yeah I see where you're going but it's just a lot for them to take in and me too bc Tamara. Well she's like a daughter to me

T - I know Luce and that's what makes you such a good person.

Lucy smiles while turning back around to grab her plate and fork , Lucy hops of the stool placing her dishes in the sink.

L - I'm gonna go hop in the shower

T - ok don't worry abt the kitchen I got it

L  - thank you

Lucy and Tim leave the night off going to sleep...

Part 3 coming!

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