He left

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The next day they went to every pharmacy again and placed an order for the pill but every pharmacy said it would be a week or longer till they get some in.

                                   ~  1 week later ~


Lucy and Tim are gone already to work and Tamara's by herself.

Tamara's scrolling through her phone and gags at the food recipe she sees on cliptok

TA- eww salad

TA - ugh I feel like shit.


Tamara panics clicking off cliptok and onto her period tracking app

TA- fuck no no no no no shit

She's 3 days late

TA- no no no please no no

Tamara stands up from laying in her bed

Tamara's voice breaks as tears fall down and she holds her chest bringing the phone up to her ear to ring Lucy.


📞- hey tam

📞 - l-Lucy -please I-

Tamara false to her knees and breaks

📞 - Tamara hey...Tamara what's going on

📞 - Lu-Lucy I can't breathe....

, the sobs break her voice

📞 - please Lucy

📞 - ok umm I'm coming.

Tamara hangs up

📞 - stay on the-

L - shit

Lucy was 5 mins away from the apartment since she was on patrol and heads over to the apartment meanwhile

Tamara's manages sit up next to her bed and sobs trying to control her breathing

~ 5 mins later ~

Tamara stands up hearing the keys rattling on the door and Lucy runs in as Tamara opens her bedroom door

TA - Lucy

Lucy throws her keys down and runs to Tamara has Tamara grips her sleeves tightly and pulls herself to stand up straight as Lucy wraps one around around her waist and the other on the back of her head.

TA - it's late I'm late

Tamara crys hard into Lucy's arms.

L - oh hun

Lucy tightens her grip and assures her it's ok

Tamara pulls her head up to look at Lucy

TA- I can't Lucy. I'm p-pregnant th-that's the

L - Tamara hey breathe ok look I know how you are ok but you can't be for sure just yet. I have some test in my cabinet.

TA - I'm scared to find out if I am Lucy

L - I know you are.

Lucy and Tamara walks to her bathroom and Lucy shows her the test and waits outside the door for Tamara to finish using the test

~ 5 mins later ~

TA- Lucy it's done

Lucy sits up from the bed and walks in the bathroom

TA- I'm scared

L - take your time. Flip it over when your ready

TA- can you do it

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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