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billie: did i scare you away again

me: no 
me: why

billie: you left me on read

me: well, i dont know about meeting you.. 

billie: why

me: bc billie youre a superstar. you dont want anything to do with me trust me

billie: but i do want something to do with you. thats why i told you we should meet.

me: arent you on tour too

billie: well yes but i have a week off then i fly to Milan

me: well then i guess we could arrange something in this week..
me: if you want.

billie: i want to. i want to know who im talking to everyday
billie: and not just instagram photos

me: okay billie
me: whatever you want to do
me: just let me know.
me: and i will be there

billie: okay.

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