Condemned Chapter Four

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Was it all in my head?
Was it meant to be?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me
I still fucking hate you, hate you, hate you
What are you doing to me?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me

You fucking broke me I'm crazy
Yeah yeah yeah you were my baby
I wasn't perfect but I've worked so hard
You still called me lazy
Had to leave to see all the shit that you were doing to me
Called me so many names, started to believe
Made me fucking hate myself
You never wanted me, you wanted someone else
You made our home start to feel like a cell
Took a look in the mirror and I started to see
A man that wanted some love you could never give to me

Was it all in my head?
Was it meant to be?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me
I still fucking hate you, hate you, hate you
What are you doing to me?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me

I wasn't perfect
Always flirting with different women and getting too fucked up
We couldn't even have a conversation
But what you did was worse, it was fucking inhuman
I caught you in bed with another man, just left feeling stupid
I went home and thinking and drinking and finished a gram
I got madder and madder, and I ripped him out of bed
You were screaming at me and him
We're fighting on the floor
Had blood spilling out my head leaving from the door
I was wearing shades the next day
Because you knew I was meeting fans
It was the lowest fucking point I ever fucking felt as a man
I got hate in my heart and an endless aggression
I can't let it all go until you answer my question

Was it all in my head?
Was it meant to be?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me
I still fucking hate you, hate you, hate you
What are you doing to me?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me

I couldn't see it then, but I see it now
Thank you so fucking much for ripping my heart out
Stomping it and cutting it and bleeding it out
Finally figured out so much about myself
I was never the problem, I can finally see
You just weren't the right fucking person for me
Take care, wish you well and the best
Hoping our paths never cross again
Said what I had to and needed to say
Going to love myself like I should have yesterday

Was it all in my head?
Was it meant to be?
Thought I'd love you til death
Now you're dead to me
I still fucking hate you, hate you, hate you
What are you doing to me?
Thought I loved you til death
Now you're dead to me

Dead to me
Fucking dead, dead, dead, dead, dead, dead
Fucking dead, dead, dead
You're dead to me


You're sat in the back of the rusty old car, your mother had bought cheep off of an old friend. Your body bouncing every time the tires hit a rock, or a random unfixed pot-hole. Other than your mothers random mumbling or uninteresting rants about work. The majority of the conversations stayed between your mother and sister, but once in a while your mother would ask how you were doing.
"Hey Y/N!" You heard your sister yell at you from the front of the car. Yes, you had a new name now, Y/N. Every time you told your mom or sister about your life in heaven, they never believed you. Passing it off as a wild imagination or childish dreams. Your sister always called you a lair, or psychotic. "What" You responded very unenthusiastically. No response. "What!?" you yelled at her, already becoming very aggravated. Still no response. You crossed your arms and turned your head in the direction of the car window. "Why did you turn your head? You cant see anything idiot!" Your sister remarked. 
"Oh my god, fuck off Juno!! Why are you always such a bitch to me?!" You yelled back at her, and instantly regretting all of it as soon as it came out of your mouth. Your mother gasped before yelling back at you. "Y/N, M/N, L/N. What has gotten into you?! We do not speak such unholy words in this family! I swear, you have been nothing, but trouble ever since your father died!" The rest of the car ride to your new home was silent.

"Okay girls! We're here. Our new home. Juno, help your sister to her room please. And don't argue. I believe that they said Y/N's room was in the attic suite." Your mother ordered your sister. She groaned and unwillingly opened the door, taking her sweet time getting around the car to open yours. She helped you out and grabbed your upper arm with a lot of force. It was her way of quietly saying how much she hated you for being born and what not. You winced at the pain a little but you knew better than to make any sound. She helped you up to your room and put a box cutter in your hand. She leaned in towards your ear. "You're lucky murder is illegal. Maybe you should just do it yourself." She pushed you away slightly and walked out the room, slamming the door shut behind her.
You walked around your room and found your mattress and a few blankets that were laid neatly on top, and fell asleep.
The next morning you were rudely awoken by banging on your door, at an ungodly hour. 
"Get up looser, get changed so you look like you didn't just walk out of a mental hospital. Kay?" You heard your sisters voice from the other side of the door, then her footsteps echoing down the stairs. You got up out of bed and picked out your favorite dress. It was a long dress with three layers. A bow corset, long sleeves, with roses and pearls lining the neck of the dress.

 A bow corset, long sleeves, with roses and pearls lining the neck of the dress

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You walked down the ramp, that used to be a staircase, careful as to not trip on the dress and went into the kitchen and sat down to eat.


Again, sorry for such a short chapter. I hope that i'll be able to make this next one a lot longer :3
Stay tuned~

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