Body Bag Chapter Fourteen

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(Y/n's POV)

Once again, I find myself lying sleepless in my bed. The shadows in the corners of my room seem to be watching my like a hawk. It's as if they never go away, like they have nothing better to do at night other than watching my insomnia take a hold of my mind. And after about an hour I make the decision to get a glass of water so I can take a Melatonin pill, to force my body to rest. But before I can fully get up out of bed, I hear a loud 'Thud', coming from downstairs. It was far too loud to be something that somehow got knocked off a shelf, so I decided to go and investigate.
As I walked down the stairs that led to the hallway, I stopped in my tracks as soon as I heard another loud thud, followed then by heavy breathing, and what sounded like a heavy metal door opening. Just as the sound of metal sliding on a hardwood floor ceased, I could hear the faint sound of someone dragging something with a lot of dead weight into the newly opened room. As soon as silence enveloped my ears, I carefully looked over the railing to see that there was a small, handle-less door that was left wide open. 'That's odd... I could have sworn that that was just a wall..'  I thought to myself with a lifted eyebrow. 
Minutes later, I heard heavy footsteps coming back to the doorway and I booked it back up the stairs so whomever was in the house wouldn't see me. 'Maybe I should go wake Alastor up and get him to deal with this..' I thought to myself, and started making my way to his room.  I approached the door to his room and was about to knock when someone said my name from behind me. It was Al. "Darling..? Is everything all right?" He said, though something in his voice sounded off, sounded nervous. I spun around and looked at him for a moment before speaking. He was in the shadowy darkness of the windowless hallway, so I wasn't able to see his face. Though I could only assume that he had his signature smile on. "Oh, sorry Al. I thought you were in your room. I think there's someone downstairs.." I said, and told him what I had saw. 
"That's quite odd my dear. You see, I was downstairs the entire time until just a few moments ago and I hadn't heard any such sounds." He said and tilted his head slightly to the side before continuing. "Maybe you were sleepwalking darling."
"But I haven't sleepwalked since before I even moved into the city.." I explained to him. "Why would it start up all of a sudden?" He sighed as he walked closer to me and placed his hand lightly on my shoulder, and looked right into my eyes.  "Try to get some sleep Y/n.. I'm sure we'll figure all of this out in the morning. Okay?" He reasoned with me and I nodded and made my way back to my room, and shut the door behind me. As soon as I had flopped onto the bed, I passed out.

(Alastor's POV)

As soon as her door closed, I became aware of my pounding heart. And for two reasons. Firstly she had almost caught me bringing that body into the house, and secondly, for some reason when I had gotten closer to her, I got all nervous. I don't know why in the world I had felt like that. After a few moments of just standing there, I blinked and looked around and then continued to enter my room. 
"She'll think of you a monster if she finds out." My smile threatened to falter at any moment. "I know that. I'll be more careful next time. She'll never find out." I said to Nibo. 
"How can you be so sure of this? She's much smarter than you think my dear friend." The spirit replied. I just bit my cheek and ignored him. I took off my bloodied attire, and showered before I went to bed.

The next morning, I had gotten up and noticed a note on the counter in the kitchen. It was from Y/n.
"Hey Al, I had to get to work early today. I made some eggs before I left, so they're there if you want them. See you later!

I smiled at her kind gesture of making me some breakfast before she had left. 'How sweet.'  I thought. I set the note back down onto the counter and looked at the stove, where the still warm eggs had been placed. I picked the plate up and walked over to the dining room and ate. 
On my walk to the station, I kept seeing people who walked by me stare. Usually they'd give me a warm smile or nod or even just walk past without even looking at me, so as soon as I walked into the station, I dashed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. And there on my neck, was a big splotch of dried blood. "Shit." I whispered to myself, and quickly washed it off, being careful to not stain my suite. After I had gotten all the blood off of my neck, I checked over myself just to be sure that there wasn't anymore anywhere and once I felt confident, I exited the washroom and made my way up the stairs to get settled in the studio and start my morning broadcast. 
Inside the studio, I let out a sigh and placed my bag carefully on the floor. I sat down and pinched the bridge of my nose in slight annoyance. 'How could I have been so stupid! I could have sworn I washed all the blood off last night.'  I thought to myself. I sat there lost in thought, until a sudden knock on the studio broke me out of my trance. "Hey Al, you're on in two minutes." One of the other men who worked with me had said. I simply gave him a thumbs up and he closed the door. Once those two minutes had gone by, I shifted the headphones to a more comfortable position and leaned in closer to the mic.
"Good morning lady's and gentlemen! Welcome back to another morning broadcast, I hope you all have your umbrella's handy today because those clouds are gonna be heavy!" I said in an upbeat tone. "Now in other news, the killer strikes again. In the very early hours of the morning, the owner of the Rose pub was taking out the trash, and saw the lifeless body of one Alexander Hopkins. His body is currently being examined by specialists but they say we might have another killer on our hands. Instead of the horribly gruesome and disfigurement of the corpse, his neck was slit along with other stab wounds to vital organs. But let's try to brighten the morning with some Jazz. Stay safe out there everyone. 
Stay tuned~"

After the broadcast was done for the morning, I decided to take a stroll and look at the local bars to see if there were any potential victims, but alas, I had to leave empty handed. Back at the station, I was reading over my script for the evening broadcast when I over heard my boss yelling inside his office. And since there was a water fountain next to his door, I decided to eves drop into his little yelling fit without looking out of place. I walked over to his office and stood in front of the fountain. 
"I don't care what the fuck, you have to do to get me that girl, just fucking do it!" My bosses voice boomed on the other side of the door, and the sound of his being smashed on its holder was heard not too soon after. "Hey Al, you're on air here soon. Might want to get settled." One of my co-workers said to me from the other end of the hall. "On my way." I said in a light tone, going about the rest of my evening as if I hadn't heard anything out of the ordinary.

Sorry, i know it's not much of an update but i did as much as i possibly could. I hope you enjoy!
and as always,
Stay tuned~
for the next update!

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