Slumber Party!

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"Girl her funky ass had the nerve to act like I gave a damn she was fucking and sucking on Zander" I tell Callie as I fill her in on everything that has been going on in my life the last time we talked. Callie was ready to get on Devin's private jet and come beat the silicone out of Linda and Lexis, I laughed so hard when she called Linda a "fake ass trout mouth backstabbing loose coochie old ass hag!" Callie is and will always be my ride or die.

I decided to have a little slumber party and invited Diana and Callie, but my niece Imani has a bad cold and Callie didn't feel like leaving Devin, her baby daddy with a sick ass infant. I cussed Callie and Devin both out, because they got auntie baby sick they ought to be ashamed of themselves.

I know it was probably Bryson weirdo ass who got my baby girl sick. You can't tell me different with his former hoe havin ass, I hope Cee Cee whooped his pale ass. I say it's his fault because the alabaster idiot coughs sometimes and doesn't cover his mouth or wash his nasty ass hands.

I talked to Callie for a little while longer, then she decided that I was not important anymore and hung up the phone on me and left  me for dead to go jump on Devin's dick.

Jameson left my house earlier to handle grown folks business and also it was his annual poker night with his brother and cousins. He actually got his ass tagged by Garth earlier because he said something that pissed Garth off, and Garth told him to not let the suit fool him , and that he would knock his old crypt keeper ass out.

Their relationship is funny to me, but I think sometimes Jameson can get a little full of himself, and folks have to remind his ass that they are grown and are not about to play with him.

I also invited Heavenly to my little sleepover party but she has some big church event out of town. She is talking about her new blog that promotes a healthy sex life, and still being able to be the best person serving the Lord. She asked me to be a speaker for her, and I told her of course, I support her in all that she does and what she is doing is very important.

I have and will always believe in Jesus Christ. You cannot tell me shit about my Lord and saviour!

I have been through too much, and seen too much, to not believe in a higher power. And in all honesty it steams from who God has blessed me with in my life, and all he has done for me, and mines. He gave me a wonderful mother, who made sure my faith was strong and that I truly acted like a child of God.

The thing about them Christian folks that blows my mind, is that they are so judgemental. They be quick to say they serve the Lord, but look down on others, I think they forget that the God they are supposed to be serving loved everyone, and also kicked it with what society at that time deemed as the undesirable. They be quick to holler about abortion and things like that, but when folks have their babies they talk about them and make it harder on those said folks.

And don't get me started on how they treat the LMNOP community. It blows my mind how you can sit here and claim to be a child of God, but disown your own kin, because of who they choose to love, or because of their sexual orientation.

The fact that these said Christians will tell someone they are going to hell or going to burn in hell, because they are gay or have an abortion is fucking crazy to me. Also the last time I checked, the Lord Ol mighty is the only one who can send folks to hell. Everyone sins, and Jesus died on that cross, for all of our sins, even those who deny him or don't believe in him. So it really irks my nerves when folks weaponize that good book for their own personal agenda.

A couple of hours later.....

"Girl this fucking girl!" Diana mumbles as she scrolls through her phone. Her sister Candice just got out of jail for some kind of misunderstanding, and Diana was just over it.

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