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Curtis shook his head as he watched Mina fighting, getting cuts and bruises, but nonetheless she was fighting and giving the merfolk female a run for her money too. “ Is understandable why you feel like this given your past life” Curtis said “what do you mean i had my horrible times and scars but it was not that bad” i said calmly, he looked at me confused and thought i was lying. “ do you not remember everything?” he asked i raised an eyebrow and turned quickly to the fight when i heard a scream of pain. “Aah fuck it i was trained to fight” i sigh and stood up quickly running off the seat to go stop the fight “MINA!” I yelled out her name seeing her coughing up blood with one eye closed due to being bruised. She looked towards me and smiled rightly. I flinched and frowned as I quickly got in front of her and did a roundhouse kick to the merfolk female and glared at her, ears pinned back canine sharpened. “Back off you mongrel fish '' I warned “you..” the female spoke spitting blood and glared at me “ just how many of your kind likes to interrupt fights” she spoke out loud. “Mm i don’t know but i know that i am one of them, if you got a problem with that fight me and i’ll show you real strength” i spoke up and looked at Mina “sorry i stole your thunder but glad i did now” i smiled a bit “fine by me” Mina said softly, Curtis grabbed her gently “i’ll be back when i take her away to the infirmary” he spoke and ran off with Mina in his arms. I turned to the female once more “what is your name i would like to remember the day i beat a female merfolk to bloody pulp and tell her name to the world” i threatened. “Oh i like you, if you were of my kind we would be friends” she commented “ my name is kira, your’s?” she asked intrigued “even if i was your kind i rather be friends with a cat fish than yours” i smirked and moved my hair a bit “ my name is Misa” i spoke calmly , Kira blushed feeling humiliated and growls “you will regret that insult bitch” she threatened.

              I got ready to fight and glared “ we shall see about that” . I spoke growling slowly a bit as I watched her movements. She quickly shot a water whip towards me and i quickly dodged it, i looked at her and growls more as i took a breath and used speed magic to sneak behind her and did a crescent kick then an axe kick when she fell down but before i could finish the move she shot at me with a water jet. I used my arms to  block enough and gasped when I hit the ground. “Agh” I groaned and stood up quickly “that all you got fish” I smiled a bit i took a breath in and out coming out a bit cold ‘‘ice shards” i i spoke calmly shooting ice shards at her. Which she dodged but got cut by one. “You got lucky with that one” kira growls and throws a whirlpool towards me and i tried keeping myself on the ground just to gasp as it drew me in and closed my eyes trying to think of a way to escape from it “how will you be getting off of this huh bitch!” Kira spoke loudly and smiled sinisterly, throwing a water whip in the whirlpool and hitting my necklace, taking it off my eyes widened as I felt I could not breath under water anymore and held my breath. ‘Fuck this is how i die on my second life, holding back so i would not kill anyone’ i thought to myself unable to hold my breath any longer, ‘you really want to die like this’ a voice popped in my head. ‘What?’ I thought about to go into darkness. I walked around seeing nothing but pitch black “hello?” I spoke looking for the voice once more, I stopped seeing a black figure walking towards as it got closer my eyes widened, it was me, “do you really wish to die like this?” I asked myself. “I uh yes i cannot exactly fight anymore i did not really wish to kill” i spoke to myself. She frowned and I gasped when I suddenly fell from nothing and groaned when I hit the floor. I groaned and stood up just to flinch seeing a door from nowhere.

        “You are living the same life as before” my other me came out of nowhere again “no i'm not i have an amazing family and great friends” i smiled sadly “oh really?, just like those” she spoke and the door opened and i saw my old life, my old friends. I walked in to hear ‘I don't remember this memory’ I thought to myself. “You hid your most painful memories from yourself unconsciously. This one was the day you broke down and did not trust any friends ever again” my other me spoke. I looked at myself then the memory i have hidden from myself “my god is so easy to lie to her'' my old friend spoke “she thought she lost that ring of hers i just sold it and lied that i could not find it.” she added, “That is mean'' a guy friend spoke “but i cannot say that since i lied about needing money for my fathers hospital bill i bought me a pair of shoes that i really wanted’’ he chuckled “she is so stupid and gullible” another spoke, tears formed in my eyes as i heard this and i saw myself in the corner listening in and ran off. “You have three friends right now, one girl and two boys, and you just fought for her, because of her actions,” she said. “I still feel fine. I was able to fall in love a bit’’ I smiled, ignoring the memory “oh really?” She spoke and I gasped as I fell from nothing once more and I groaned in pain when I fell, i stood up and sigh softly “ what is this one?” i asked “ you thought you had great relationships, all these are the ones you have hidden. This one you got raped from a friend you knew couple of days, that one you got abused and was mistreated” she spoke pointing at the doors”but this one” she stopped and walked to the door “this one is what broke you completely” she finished. I shook a bit remembering those and flinched when she went to that door and spoke those words “no..” I said softly and she opened the door as I stared in fear, tears forming “Luka…” I spoke as my voice cracked a bit. “This was a mistake you flinched for nothing. You apologize everytime ask where I am. Text me too much is not normal,!” he loudly said" I'm sorry you know i'm trying to stop” i pleaded. “ It's been four years since you left him get over it!” he yelled. “I cannot do this anymore this is stupid i don't know what i saw in you’ “w-wait luka what are you saying” i spoke shakingly he took off his engagement ring and threw it out “im saying we are done the marriage is off, i'll get my things on a later date” he spoke and walked off bumping into me as i fell to the floor with the impact. “Wait luka please I'm sorry!, LUKA!” I screamed. I shook violently and backed off, closing the door, getting on my knees “who was the male you said you fell in love with a bit?Levi? Hmm he is exactly like luka right, cold yet lonely." She spoke calmly, “you are living the same life as before. The only difference is your parents and the gold spoon in your mouth.” she added “now i'll ask again if you really wish to die like this'' she spoke with authority. I greeted my teeth and looked up with anger feeling nothing but wanting revenge, blood. Waking up from my unconsciousness“CURTIS!” I yelled out loud,

        A flash of light flashed around me, making the whirlpool get hit by a gush of water. Kira blocked as she backed off a bit with the hit. Her eyes widened as everyone gasped their eyes on me. I greeted my teeth growling lowly, having scales around my arms and legs. My tail no longer had fur but was a long fin tail. My ears were scaly as well. My eyes are bright blue pupil feline-like thin showing I'm angry and will kill. “i…I WILL NOT DIE IN THE HANDS OF A MONGREL LIKE YOU!” I yelled loudly as I growled angrily. “ W-what the” she mumbled scared “what's the matter fishy never seen a real magician before” i smiled sinisterly and swam towards her with speed slashing her face and tail after then swinging my tail full force hitting her stomach launching her up. “What is it that you said before?, How will YOU get out of this one bitch” i growled out and swam up to her and punched her roughly on the stomach she gasped and groaned loudly coughing out a good amount of blood when she got hit several times and the last one when she got punched in the stomach took the air out of her. Her eyes widened as she had contact with the floor once more and shook as she tried to stand barely conscious. I swam down slowly and walked towards her “what's the matter fishy cannot fight anymore?” i smiled looking at her with cold eyes “are you ready to die by my hands, dont worry ill be kind and make it less painful” i chuckled.

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