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with a slight rain outside, beomgyu found himself inside his room late at night. there was no one awake at this ungodly hour, as most people would consider 2am too late for their tastes. and, disagreeing, beomgyu found midnights as his favorite hours of the twenty-four-hour time cycle of the earth. it was quiet, peaceful, and a space where he could be himself- in the comfort of his room and his beloved guitar.

the light taps coming from his window indicated light rain, which gave a delightful sound in the silence. sometimes, the silence was too loud, and the rain would be there to disrupt it, letting beomgyu relax without the stress of his room being too quiet. it never got boring, despite how he spent countless nights in the same atmosphere. 

his guitar would accompany the rain in slowly healing beomgyu from his past trauma, shooing the silence away into a dark corner where it could never be heard. every pluck of his guitar string elicited a soft melody, sending him the comfort he never had. every delicate note would send shivers down his spine, letting him relax his exhausted mind and rest his body. 

everything was perfect..

for now.

he groaned as his alarm clock screeched loudly, sending soundwaves booming through his room. the four walls surrounding him seemed as if they were trembling, threatening to fall down at any unknown second. 

he reached his hand out from under his warm comforter, roaming around his bed-side table until he found his alarm clock, his fingers gripping onto the loud device. he pressed a button on top of the clock, stopping the annoying, head-aching ringing that the alarm produced. he whined lowly as he brought his hand back under his blankets. it had only been a few seconds, but his arm and hand had already gotten cold. 

right as he was about to drift back to his perfect neverland, there was a soft scratching at his front door. a soft mewl followed the almost screech-like noises, waking him up almost instantly. he knew that there was some type of animal outside of his door. and, though he wasnt particularly fond of animals, he wasnt an absolute douche who  would leave something out to die in the rain. it was cold and windy outside, and there was no way a small feline could survive out there by itself. 

he sighed and lifted the comfortable blankets off his body, heaving a yawn before swinging his legs over his bed, his socked feet landing softly on the carpeted floor. the soft scratching and mewing continued, as if the little creature outside was begging to be let in. he rubbed his eyes and groggily stood up, trudging to his front door. 

upon unlocking it and swinging it open, he was shocked to find a small kitten outside. 

it had pretty, blond fur and beautiful dark brown colored eyes. the kitty wasnt in best condition, as its blond fur was soaked in rain and its ears were flattened on its head. it was shivering in the cold.

beomgyu took one look at the poor feline and mentally decided to take it in for a while until it was healed, and then he would release it back outside. he scooped the kitten up with two of his hands carefully, being gentle and delicate so the feline wouldnt scare off and run away. this process was, fortunately, easy and the creature didnt flee.

he brought it into his semi-warm home, setting it down on the couch before going back to lock the door.

'what am i doing with my life?' he thought, leisurely walking to his bathroom to grab a towel for the shivering kitten on his living room couch. he made sure to turn on the air conditioning on his way back, heating up his home for both the cat and himself. 

the towel he grabbed was soft and thick, making a perfect blanket for the quivering kit that had been lavishing in the rain for god knows how long. it would keep the feline warm and give it a snug place to settle into.

once he arrived back to the living room, he gently wrapped the towel around the quivering kitten, softly patting its back as it sputtered small mewls. beomgyu stared at it longingly, letting a small smile spread to his lips. the reality hit him.

he finally had a friend- and a pet..?

"get some rest, yeah?" beomgyu rubbed the kitten's head softly. it let out a small purr as the male scratched behind its ears reverently. he smiled warmly.

maybe his nights werent going to be so lonely anymore.



ermmm a new book because i need to get rid of my goddamn writers block!!!!!

march twenty-first, 2024

quiet nights with no one around - taegyu ! [RECONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now