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(maltreatment means to treat [a person or animal] cruelly or with violence.)

"uhm.." beomgyu muttered, unsure of what he should do in a situation like his. Should he wake the male and clean his wounds straightforwardly? Should he wait for the male to awake from his slumber? These thoughts flew over his head as he continued to stare at the blond's swaying tail.

he took a deep breath and decided to awaken the male.

after consoling himself into sitting beside the blond hybrid, he lightly tapped the boy's shoulder. his skin was soft and warm to the touch compared to beomgyu's cold, rough skin. the ravenette found the warmth comforting, eliciting a diverting feeling in his chest. it exploded like a thousand fireworks, and then it fluttered like a dozen butterflies.

when the hybrid didnt move an inch, he resorted to scratching softly behind the blond's ears- something he'd done when the boy was in kitten form.

he reached to the mop of blond hair slowly and quietly, not wanting to startle the male awake. he positioned his hand behind one of the small ears that was barely visible beyond the many strands of pretty blond hair. with a small movement, he softly scratched the area behind the cat ear, prompting the hybrid to mewl out a small purr of delectation. the male started to slowly stir awake.

a few seconds had passed and the blond's eyes fluttered open softly, his eyelashes kissing his rosy cheeks. beomgyu moved his hand away and watched in awe as the boy, who was still nude on his bed, started looking around with wide, doe eyes. the boy's eyes then wondered to him in confusion.

with a tilted head, the blond whispered. "are you.. my new master?" and at that moment, beomgyu just wished that he could jump off a building. he wanted to be able to jump and splat onto the concrete ground into a human pancake, getting rid of his contact with the world.

"no! what the fuck?!" he didnt mean to yell and startle the hybrid, but at the moment, he really didnt have any other way to react. the question the blond had uttered was shocking but not shocking enough to get him to jump off his bed, but it also wasnt civilized enough to keep his emotions quiet. the hybrid curled into a ball, frightened.

"o-oh, im sorry!" beomgyu apologized, covering his mouth with both of his hands. he stood up and speed-walked to his restroom, disappointed in himself for making him and the blond's first interaction awkward. He stared at himself in the mirror, disappointed.

Why did he have to scare the hybrid on their first meeting?

He was surprised by how the male called him, 'master' so easily- it had him feeling quite queasy.

and, by queasy, he meant randy, or maybe even a tiny bit aroused..

but thats a topic for another day.

he took a deep breath before patting himself on the back (with a struggle). it was time he went out to properly talk to the blond male who was currently sitting on his bed.

He walked out of the bathroom slowly, peeking his head from behind the door. he could see that the hybrid was still sitting on the bed, confused and with a pout on his face. Beomgyu couldnt help but to let the corner of his lips tug up a bit. It wasnt everyday that you'd see a pouting humanized kitten on your bed- a cute one at that (unless every kitten hybrid to ever exist had giant, doe eyes and fluffy, blond hair).

as beomgyu took small steps to his bed, he muttered a more civilized greeting.

"hello-! fuck- uhm.." he bit his lip with furrowed eyebrows. the other male tilted his head, his messy blond hair tilting to the side with him. beomgyu scratched the back of his nape, standing in the middle of the room awkwardly. What should he do now? He already jinxed his second attempt, and there was really no way he could mess up his third attempt, right? Third time's the charm.. right?

quiet nights with no one around - taegyu ! [RECONTINUED.]Where stories live. Discover now