Kenzie Breaks

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Kenzie started to get more attention around school about me and him being together. We decided to not keep it hidden at school any longer, and honestly, I wish we still did.

"Ooooo look now, the two lovebirds are holding hands again!" A doberman scoffed at us, Kenzie shrugged it off.

Throughout the past few days it's been the same, get teased for being a couple, go home, have a good rest of the day, maybe see each other outside of school, go to bed, wake up, repeat.

"Bluey, Mackenzie, when? We wanna know!" Our group had formed a circle around us.

"That shouldn't matter." Kenzie wasn't having it today, his thoughts had traced back to his parents the last few days due to the stress school was causing us.

"Why is that even your guys' concern?" I had asked, "Because you're pregnant Bluey!"

"Excuse me what the fuck?" Kenzie had used the biggest one in the book.

"I am not!" I screamed, "Where the heck did you hear that?"

"It's all over the school!" OMG...

"Bluey and Kenzie sitting in a tree-" The six chanted before Kenzie said, "K-i-l-l-i-n-g." He bared his teeth at our friends.

"Ya know it's not that damn hard to keep out of someone's business you guys!" Kenzie started shouting, it started to scare me a bit.

"Just because we are together doesn't mean we are that kind of couple! And ya know what? I'm sick of all of y'all's shit! Every fucking day it's the same with you! We constantly get tortured about being together! And why is that? Because obviously you guys have never experienced true love before! I love Bluey, and I don't need this shit from you or anyone else!"

Kenzie let go of my paw and stormed off.

"Look what you guys did! You can't keep to yourselves for one minute so Kenzie and I can be happy!" The group stared at me now. "I wish you all would grow the FUCK UP!"

I had finally swore, the crew never ever heard me swear. Not even Kenzie, he had now looked back at me and gestured me to come to his side. I did so and held his paw in mine once again.

"B-Bluey Kenzie wait!" Rusty called, "No waiting Rusty, we need time to think, or at least I do." I told him, the crew realized that we were fed up, and decided to come up with a good way of apologizing.

"I can't do it Bluey!" Kenzie started as we got to our safe space in the woods.

"What? Kenzie what're you-"

"All of it! First the stress and hurt from my parents now this! I... I want it to end Bluey..." Kenzie was now crying. Our friend group and everyone else around us had broken my lover...

"M-Mackenzie... Please don't say that." I said, rubbing his back.

"I'm sorry Bluey, but I really don't wanna keep going. I feel as if the world is against me and it wants me to suffer." I began to cry with him, these words that came from him... He wasn't the Kenzie I knew back then.

"Kenzie look at me." He slowly looked up at me, "I love you, and nothing will come between us, not even the world. You aren't alone Kenz, please remember that." I laid my head on his shoulder, he relaxed a bit and began to softly cry again. "I'm here Kenzie, I love you." Our Necklaces clipped together as we hugged, I let him cry into my fur for a while. Our friends found us now, they had seen Kenzie and stopped.

"Sorry, we'll leave." I stopped them, "sit" they obliged and they started one by one.

"Mackenzie, Bluey... I am sorry for this, we were excited about you guys and heard a rumor. Honestly we love that you guys are together and love each other, we just... Went about it the wrong way." Rusty explained, Kenzie was still crying.

"That isn't enough to justify three weeks of pain Rusty, and the reason he's upset isn't you guys either, at least not entirely." They were confused now, Kenzie gave me permission to let them know about Kenzie parents.

"Oh my... Mack... C'mere mate." Rusty gave Kenzie a hug, he reluctantly accepted it with all he had, the group formed a circle to hug the Collie.

"Can we go back to being friends again?" The group asked us. We agreed, as long as no more rumors were brought up. They obliged.

"Alright, can we please be done with this now?" Kenzie asked, getting squeezed to death. Everyone let go and Kenzie took my paw again.

"Thank you guys." Kenzie and I returned to our classes and did our work until the end of the day. We walked home together, since Kenzie had permission to stay over this weekend. It was gonna be fun!

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