Chapter 1: The Hazbin Hotel

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I was having a usual day walking around the streets of hell, watching and avoiding the cross fire of some turf wars around the city, getting yelled at by random demons on the street, an average day. When I saw an advertisement for a place called "The Hazbin Hotel." I was intrigued and decided to check it out. I mean who wouldn't wanna check out a place that can redeem sinners, not to mention it's run by the princess of hell herself!

After about 30 minutes of walking I finally found the hotel, which is slightly embarrassing considering it's a giant hotel on top of a hill in the middle of Pentagram City, but that's besides the point!

I walked up to the door and knocked tentatively and was answered by a pale girl with blonde hair who was wearing a bright red suit. She looked excited and quickly said,
"Hi my name's Charlie! It's nice to meet you!" She gasped slightly.
"Oh my gosh are you here to check into the hotel?" She said jumping up and down before quickly rushing me in.
"Woah!-" I say a little shocked struggling to keep up with her when she called out to someone,
"Vaggie come here!" A moment later a girl with grey skin and long white hair and an X above her right eye appears from behind a corner. She had a spear in her hand too.

"What's up Char- Who's that." She points at me with the spear a hostile look on her face Charlie quickly answers.
"This is, wait I never got your name!"

"Oh it's Eclipse." I say trying to sound nonchalant even though the girl who I assume is Vaggie is still pointing a spear right at me. Charlie continues.

"I think she's here to check into the hotel!" Charlie says excitedly

"Wait! Uh I'm not here to check in but maybe you could show me around?" I say slightly nervous waiting for her response.

"Oh..." Charlie says deflating slightly before piping up again. "Sure! I could give you a tour!" I nod and follow her happily with Vaggie trailing behind us.

"This is the bar! And this is Husk the bartender!" She say pointing at a cat looking demon sitting at the bar looking bored. "Hey." He says half-heartedly. Charlie continues on her tour. "These are the rooms, and over there-" She points to a sitting area in the lobby. "That's where we usually do our activities!" I look confused. "Activities?" Charlie quickly explains. "I mean stuff like trusting exercises, or icebreakers and things like that"

"Oh that makes more sense." I laugh a little.

We head back to the receptionist desk.

"So~ what do you think?" Charlie asks excitedly. "Oh I think it's a cool idea! Oh and I have a question, are you guys hiring right now? I need a job and this seems like it would be a nice place to work." Charlie looks like she's about to burst with excitement. "Really? You'd wanna work at the hotel?" She says happily while Vaggie looks a bit skeptical while she glances at Charlie. "I don't know..." But Charlie gives her some big puppy dog eyes and finally Vaggie sighs and says, "Alright fine we can get you a room and-" I quickly say

"Oh I don't wanna live here! Er not all the time at least, I mean I have a home and I have siblings that I still wanna hang out with my siblings. Plus I don't think my dad would be very onboard with me moving out at 15."
I say trying to explain.
"Oh alright well we can still give you a room and if we need you to you can spend the night and then go back home whenever or you could just stay here." Vaggie says calmly. I nod in agreement. "Sounds good!"

After getting everything else set up I walked back home and excitedly told my older sister Luna about my new job.

~End of chapter 1~

(In case anyone is curious the word count is: 681)

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