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Jennifer POV
Hey Rachel
R ( well I am gonna  use every one's intial  yk I am lazy)
R - yeah jen what happened 
J - I want to ask you something
R - yeah sure  go on
J - where did you found that Gorgia girl
R - umm actually  when Austin  and I were coming  here we saw an old  man pushing  the car off the cliff  before  we could  do anything  he was gone and    before  we saw him pushing  the car we saw  someone  in the car so we tried to get the car out of the river  and after  successfully  pulling  out of the car we saw a old lady's  dead body that was shot really  bad and Gorgia  was unconscious  in the backseat  she was bleeding  so we just  took her to the hospital
J - oh ok  well did you saw that old man's  face  or something
R - no we didn't  it was dark
J - oh that's  fine  btw where is the car
R - in our garage
J - can you search  up the person name who  own this car
R - sure
After  sometimes  Rachel  found  the details  of  the car's owner
R - finally  I found  it
J - who is it
R - it says  the name of the owner is Andrew 
J - oh can I have a pic of the document
R - sure
J- thanks
R - no worries  but why are you asking  me all these
J - well it's  obviously  look like a murder case or else who would try to throw a person  off the cliff
R - right 
After getting  all the info I went to Gorgia's room when I opened  the door of the room I  saw Austin  ! Wait did I just saw Austin  taking  care of Gorgia  !! A boy who is careless as fuck  is taking  care of a girl that's  suspicious
Well whatever  let's  do the work I came here for
Knock ! Knock!
J - can I  come in
G- yeah sure it's  your  house  anyways
J - even though  it's  my house there is something  called  privacy 
G - yeah ! Well what made you come here
J - I wanna   ask you something  if you are comfortable 
G - well yeah sure go on
Jennifer  looked  towards  Austin  then back at Gorgia
J - Well do you know  Andrew by any chance
Gorgia's  smile faded   when she heard this name 
G - yeah, I do ! why ??
J - are you guys not in much good  terms
G- why are you asking  this
J -Rachel told me that he tried  to kill you by pushing  you off from the hill
G - yes he did   tried  to kill me
J - hey ik I shouldn't  come in between  your  matter  but can you tell me what really  happened  at that night 
Gorgia  sigh and started to explain  what really  happened  at that night her eyes  were filled  with tears  because  she saw her aunt getting  killed

After sometime  when Gorgia  was done telling  what happened  with her
Jennifer  looked in her eyes she sighed  and said
J -  Do you want your revenge ??
Gorgia  looked  in her eyes and asked
G - how ???
Before  Jennifer  could say something  Austin  replied
A - By killing  them with your own hands
G - what !!
A - yeah kill them
G - are you crazy I can't  break  the law
J - don't  worry  about  the law and police  just think  about killing  them
G - how will I kill them
J - you wanna  join our group
G - what group  ??
J - you didn't  tell her ( Jennifer  said looking  towards  Austin  )
Austin nodded  his head as no
J - well  ! hello  we are the dangerous  mafia group  and you already  know our name
G - what !! You guys  are mafias 
A - yes we are
J- so what do you think  you wanna join our group
G - well I need  some time to thing
J - yeah sure why not the time is at your  side

And after thinking  for hours Gorgia  eventually  accepted  the offer to be a mafia

And for training  for 3 years  she finally  got the position  of  manipulator 

And that how  they became  the fearless  BUDDY'S 

Hemloo guys so yeah this is the chapter  for today I will try to publish  at least one ch everyday  so yeah enjoy  the book and love you all bye 💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤💜❤

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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