Chapter 39: Paper Boat

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"

🌊Sea Level Rising🌊


"Look at this!" I snapped to Noah.

We were at one of the tables outside a restaurant. People may think we were dating or something because we looked alone in a restaurant when in reality I'm just stuck here with him until Tori arrives. He planned on going out but limited his invited into just us because he argued that it would've been bad if he invited Rijo and Sage, which I agreed on a swift. Both of us did not bring up Clarity for all of our sakes.

I shifted on my seat for the hundredth time; the scratchy wood work doing little to ease the growing prickle of sweat growing on my shoulder blades. My usual cardigan was never a match for this kind of weather but I still wore it every time.

He turned his head to the polaroid I reached to him. The collar of his blue polo spun with his neck. He barely registered the picture's presence. He squinted his eyes before taking hold of it. His gaze traced few little details—he might've only looked at the background and not the person on the foreground. But then a jolt of realization hit him as I saw his mouth pierced widely. 

He gasped and said, "Oh no...oh I....oh my..." in a gasping tone as if he couldn't believe what he had seen. 

I felt surprised and scared at the same time. I also gasped, a cocktail of shock, terror, and a sliver of hope clinging to the edge of the unknown. My anticipation was filling up the cup on the table I emptied a while ago.

"Oh my God...! I haven't ever seen this face." His expression quickly changed to a non-caring, bored, sarcastic, sadistic chilling detachment, his voice devoid of emotion as he spoke.

My face dropped as, too, my anticipation. I'd always knew he'd be so sarcastic so why did I anticipate too much? I let my head fall on the table, casually encasing my face with my arms as I bow down the table.

"I'm just who is this? Your brother? Doesn't look like one of your species," he commented.

"I'm an only child!" I mumbled across the table.

"Okay...this looks like graduation. Oh this is you beside him, I didn't recognize you," he chuckled for a second and continued, "You both graduated? Oh, wait. You had a boyfriend!?" The tone of his voice rose while tilting his head looking at it with wide eyes. "Or you have a boyfriend? I guess had because you like you know."

I raised my head. With my face turning vicious I said, "Shut up, and I don't remember who he is."

"Wait, really? So you're telling me your amnesia is true?" I knew from his skeptical look that he wouldn't believe that easily.

"And your telling me you didn't believe it? It's repressed memories not amnesia, you wacko, turning me into an old man." He received a heartfelt of eyes rolling from me.

"Okay, back to the what about this? Did you find this in your basement or did you dig it from a grave? And, you what, you looked at this and decided to tell me you fell in love at first sight with a picture? Then how would Rijo react about that?" His mouth babbled non-stop. My mind was overwhelmed and confused to how he came up with those conclusion.

"Are you crazy? Oh, wait, you've always been crazy."

"Hey, that's below the belt. Not even the belt, below the soles of my shoes," he rebutted.

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