Care to be Mine | Chapter - 01

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The shinning sun caressed the skin of the little charm in my hand . His body felt so soft that I felt as if I touched a Petal... wait !!

Then I will call him ' my petal '

Yes that's an good idea though .

" Petal "

His blue eyes blinked as if registering my words which made me giddy all of all . His eyes captured my heart...the very once I saw those .

His just months grown body squirmed in the place which made me scared to catch him up all right but my not so small hand is not effective to hell .

" Baby !! Baby !! "

His eyes suddenly moistened making me panicked .

Should I call my mama.... may be his would work out .

" Petal... shuuuu !! "

I glared at him playfully for which he started to giggle . I sigh in relief with a wide smile plastering my face .

" You naughty boy , you love to be called as Petal...hmmm... then from now I will call you Petal even if your mama name you a beautiful name "

He giggled in reply as if saying yes to me . His tiny fingers went to the air . Those hands are not so pale but little golden tan...beautifully .

I touched his hand sending shivers into my spin... is this the love my friend said that his mother said... then...

I love my Petal.... and he is mine in all cost .

𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now