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She was used to it. That was evident from the scars freckled like the tahni across the body, as well as her crippling distrust for anything and everything foreign to her.

It was what she was accustomed to, probably what had her up at dawn every morning, probably what prompted her to keep at least one blade stashed away on her at all times.

But no matter how much she expected it, prepared for it, sometimes even longed for it, pain always managed to take her by surprise.

"Are you even listening to me right now?"

Le'the blinks as Kiri flicks her lightly on the arm.

"I'm telling you the biggest news that has happened in forever and you are paying as much attention to me as you do to a shimmyfly on a leaf!" Kiri protests.

"Sorry," Le'the shakes herself, continuing to sharpen her knife as she focuses on her friend. "You were saying?"

"I WAS SAYING that I can't believe they're here!"

"Who's here?"

Kiri groans, nudging Le'the with her tail and frowning humorously.

"You could at least pretend you were listening."

"If what you're saying is really as important as you're making it out to be, isn't it better I know the truth?" Le'the points out with a grin.

"Don't be such a smartass, just stick to being a warrior," Kiri rolls her eyes. "But anyway, the Metkayina have come. The ones I told you about, our friends-"


Le'the is up in an instant, any trace of drowsy daydreaming gone.

"Yes!" Kiri exclaims. "Tsireya and Aonung, they were spotted on the outskirts of the river. The scouts thought they followed it straight from the ocean, and dad, Lo'ak, Neteyam and mum just left to go and get them."

"What if it's not safe for them?" Le'the reaches for her bow. "What if-"

"They're friends. Practically family, even. And-"

A loud bellow echoes through the kelku, and Kiri shoots up as well.

"Come and meet them. Let's- leave that here," she scolds impatiently, knocking Le'the's bow aside and dragging her towards the entrance. Le'the barely has time to slip her knife back into the folds of her tewng before she's tugged away.

Omatikaya have converged everywhere, a confused mass of pressing bodies and edged whispers swimming around them as they push through towards the war tent. Kiri moves with polite manners, Le'the with steely strength.

They're bustled around a bit in the crowd, but finally they're forced out by the entrance.

Neteyam's already busy closing the flaps of the tent, but he catches Le'the's eye and smiles reassuringly, letting her slip beneath his arm before closing it behind her.

In the dancing firelight hastily lit in the arrival, Le'the can make out the shapes of the newcomers from behind.

The older pair both have strange tattoos on their faces. The man is broad and tall, his curly hair cascading over his wide, muscular shoulders, while the woman looks cold and elegant, hands wrapped protectively around a small boy in her lap.

A girl, no doubt the Tsireya that Lo'ak never shuts the fuck about, rests beside her mother. Naturally, Lo'ak can't pull his eyes away from her, and Le'the can't blame her, not with that sweet face wash of dark curls. Beside her is another boy with a cute mop of curly hair around his sweet face.

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