CHAPTER III "Pinky promise"

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[Wednesday, 14 January, 1987]

(Context: Timothy's room)

As usual, the darkness surrounded the entire room, not leaving any corner or emotion behind. Anyone could easily imagine they were at a cemetery during the night, quiet, desolated, and constantly giving you that feeling of...paranoia.

However, Timothy was the exception, he got used to live into the dismal atmosphere that his dormitory created with the pass of the years. He surprisingly, finds it cozy, and even homely, of course, leaving aside the detail that many hurtful memories happened there.

All of the sudden, something luminous founded a space between the dark blue curtains just to woke up Timothy. The light was pointing directly to his eyes, causing them to open delicately, and reveal their actual color. Timothy's eyes shown themselves with a deep dark brown hue, just like his hair does everyday.

Timothy distracted himself for few seconds with the sunlight, by observing it, and searching for a possible explanation of why it was too shiny. "What time is it?", "What day is it?"--- Asked Timothy for himself, hoping to get an answer as soon as possible, until he finally got the so wanted response... It was Friday, and Timothy was already late for school.

Undoubtedly, he grabbed his backpack and went straight to the front door. After almost killing himself on the stairs and having the race of his life, he got at the school, where Brian was waiting for him, even if it was late, like they agreed last year.

(Context: School's entrance)

Brian: (hurried on) Tim! You're late!
Tim: I'm sorry!
Brian: (Stagger) ...Jesus! What happened to your arms?
Tim: Oh, It's.. Nothing, seriously
Brian: Well...It looks like something to me
Tim: I... you seriously don't have to worry about that, it's something normal that could happen to anyone at any time and place
Brian: (Feeling funny)... Hope you get better...
Tim: *Smiles softly* Thanks...I appreciate your concern
Brian: *answers with another smile* Well...Let's go to the classroom before anyone discover us getting late...

Brian's smile was as soft as his skin, but not as pure as his fear to snakes. He was feeling something causing him  deeply inside his chest. Brian needed to know with urgency how did Timothy had those injuries. Unlike Timothy, Brian didn't think that kind of stuff could happen to anyone at anytime and place, he did recognized that his friend was hiding something from him, and he'll find out what secret was.

[End of classes] (Context: School's entrance)

Brian, Alex and Jay have been saving money during the month, so that, they could buy a new videogame. They are supposed to meet each other at Alex's place after school.

Brian: Bye guys! See you ...later?
Jay: oh Actually, I can't go to your home today, I have to visit my grandma, she is getting too sick lately
Brian: Too bad...
Alex: Maybe on Sunday, If your grandma gets better
Jay: Mmm, yea that will work for me
Brian: Ok, then Sunday it is

(Context: Brian's bedroom)

Brian: ... *Sighs*
B. M: ... Bri? Honey?
Brian: mm?
B. M: Don't you have to do your homework?
Brian: No...
B. M: Are you bored?
Brian: *Stays quiet*
B. M: ...Why don't you play with your sister? Maybe she's bored too
Brian: *Turns his head* Who? Alice?
B. M: .. You only have one sister
Brian: .... I wish I had another sister
B. M: Hey!, she's your sister, you can't talk about her like that! it's rude!
Brian: *Screams on the pillow*
B. M: *Sighs*... *Nears to Brian* .....What was your new friend's name?...Tommy?
Brian: Timothy...
B. M: Yeah, him... How is he doing? Did the history teacher gave him another compliment?
Brian:, he came to school with bandages on his arms
B. M: ...Poor boy... Did he tell you what happened?
Brian: He refused
B. M: I see... Do you know his number?
Brian: *Nods*
B. M: Maybe I can talk with his mom, and ask her If Timothy wants to come here
Brian: *Gasp* Really? Can he spend the night with us?
B. M: Sure, why not?

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