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[Thursday, 4 October, 1990]

(Context: Chatter room)

The dust was plentiful, it was like the room was designed to make suffer the ones with asma, and test the ones with myopia with the small amount of light that the only window in the room showed through its broken glass. To make it worse, everything in the room was near the 50 years old, and the chairs were not the exception, there were already 3 students who accidentally broke the chairs just by sitting on them.

The intense noises that the students were doing, because of the lack of supervison, couldn't last long, since a professor interrupted it with his appearing out of nowhere. The sound his shoes were creating made some students think the professor was wearing a pair of heels, something that if you imagine about, makes him look less scary. He stopped at a specific place of the room, the only place of the room with light in it, making his bald and brown shoes impossible to not look at.

Prof: ... I guess you all know why I'm here, right?
David: To teach us the same stupid things we learn everyday?
Prof: Very funny, Mr. Smith. But no, and If I were you, I would at least try to pay attention to those stupid things. *Louder voice* Today's chatter is about one of the multiple sickness which are infecting more and more the society, can you guess what it is? I suppose that the ones who have younger siblings know the answer
Jay: Comunism?
Prof: That's next week's chatter
Brian: *Whispers* Homose-
Jay: Homo sapiens!
Prof: *Sighs* Homosexuality, Mr. Merrick!
Jay: *Whispers* I'd rather to learn what a Homo sapiens was, I already forgot 'bout it

When Timothy and Brian heard this, they both let scape a soft but mocking laughter, it was louder enough to call the professor's attention, and make him slap their heads firmly as a sign to pay attention instead of hearing Jay's dumb jokes.

Prof: Do you all know what homosexuality is?

All the students remained silence, they really didn't care about the topic, they already heard it a thousand of times in their houses, it was one of the fundamental things that parents needed to teach to their children besides manners or how to survive by themselves in their own houses.

Prof: Well, since you're not going to tell me. Homosexuality it's described by God as a sin, and for him the ones who have it will burn in hell

An intense look was made by the professor, he really expected for someone to at least say something related to the chatter that would encourage an possible participation form the other students, so they could be aware of this world's sickness.

Prof: Now, probably you're wondering: "how can I identify an homosexual?" Well-
David: *Whispers* Just shut up, man

A crazy laughter showed by the professor, everyone in the room freaked out just by hearing it, the laughter was similar to Santa but in a disturbing way. The professor took a pause to breath and clean his imaginary tears with a grey kerchief he took out of his pocket. He sigh for the last time before clearing his throat and hurl a rule made of wood to David's head. I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!... You can leave my class or pay attention, you decide!--- shouted the professor with all his forces, making him get red as shrimp.

David was almost unconscious, he was lying in the floor saying anything but sentences that actually made sense. He tried to stand up, yet his body didn't respond, he was too weak to do it, and his probably broken forehead didn't help much.

Prof: *Sighs* Abigail, go and take this idiot to the nursery, tell them he fell off the stairs
Abigail: Y-Yes, sir...
Prof: ...Not even in my 40 years of service to the army I've seen something like this, nowadays the kids are getting weaker and sensitive

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