Chapter Three: And Trouble Starts

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After Rhian fired the staff members, his friend Harmony went to comfort him. Luckily he was in a good mood, because he accepted her comfort.

But things started to go downhill. Since the moment Rafal left after nearly killing half of the school, he disappeared that night and never was seen again.

Students start to act out, Evers not going to class, Nevers making tents outside, and becoming homeless.

Harmony didn't like it one bit, but that wasn't until one morning Rhian told her he was going to bring in someone to take Rafal's place.

She knew her friend was into guys, well he was bisexual but swung more toward the boy's side.

He always blushed when he saw cute boys and such.

And Rafal would always tell him about that.

Rafal didn't like how easily his brother became flustered under other males' gaze.

So she spoke about it one day.

“I don't like this Rhian. Maybe I should go out to find him, Harmony replied.

Rhian and her were currently in his office, they were busy speaking about what they were about to do since his brother disappeared six months earlier about what happened.

Rhian chewed his lip and sighed. “ Alright, I'll just see what I can do. But we do need someone to take his place, everyone is starting to lose respect for me. Students are starting to not take me seriously, so I need help... Even though it will be temporarily ”.

Harmony paused to think about what he said. She could become the schoolmistress for a while. But can there be a Female schoolmaster? Or is that role only for a male?

She decided to speak her mind about it. “ I can be the next replacement. Even though I am a female, I know it's normally not a female that does the job. But I can do what I can do, even if it's temporarily ”.

Rhian eyes widened at What his friend said and slowly he nodded. “ Alright, let's do it. Let's see how this will turn out. At least this saves me from reaching out to Vulcan and seeing if he would be available for the position ”.

Harmony forced a smile, she was with Rafal on not hiring Vulcan for the job. From the moment he came through the door, Rhian couldn't seem to take his eyes off of the male.

The two chatted for a while until she stood up and went her separate ways.

A yawn escaped her mouth as she went to her room, but as she stepped into the hall.

She saw Professor Tangerine.

The woman she first saw a few months ago, they spoke a few times and even went on a few days.

But they never became official or anything like that.

Harmony felt her palm begin to sweat, after all these months and she still got nervous.

The redhead woman saw her at the end of the hall and winked as she got closer.

As they neared each other, they prepared themselves.

Prepare themselves for what though?.

Harmony didn't know.

But she knew this day would change things.

They stopped a few inches from each other.

“ Hello”.

“ Hello, Tangerine. How are you?”.

“ Lovely today. What about you?”.

“ The same could be said about me”.

No words were spoken after that, the two girls just gazed at one another.

Finally Tangerine had enough, she reached out and took Harmony's hand in hers.

“ Come to my room. I want to show you something”.


The door closed to Harmony's room, tangerine pounced on the brown-skinned female. Both females fell to the floor with giggles as their lips embraced.

Harmony grabbed the redhead by the back of her neck and pulled her body close to hers as Tangerine pulled from the kiss and lean down to suck on her neck gently then harder.

A moan left Harmony's lips as reached down to take off both her and the Tangerine's clothes.

Once fully nude, their night of passion begins.

They rocked together, sharing bodies and souls.

Their lips never leaving each other.

It was like they were made for one another.

Harmony and Tangerine lay on the floor trying to catch their breaths, sweat was pouring down their body as they just finished their activities from earlier.

“ So do you like me, Harmony?” Asked the redhead.

Harmony moved a curl from her face and sighed.

This was the moment she's been waiting for.

This was it.

She looked at the female to see her looking anxious for her reply.

“ Yes, I do. And I would love to be your girlfriend ”.

Tangerine smiled and leaned over to capture her lips with hers. “ Good, 'cause I plan to never let you go” she replied in her Australian accent.

Harmony melted in the kiss and rolled over on top of her now girlfriend and smiled.

This was going to be interesting.


In a different part of the school. Rhian was in his study drinking and trying to clear his thoughts.

He took a sip and sighed as he sat back in his chair.

Where has his brother gone?

He didn't want to be alone anymore.

He just wanted his brother.

When will Rafal come back?

Bad things will happen if Rafal does not return.

Rhian stood up and placed the glass cup away and got ready for bed.

He would talk with his friend tomorrow.

And they would come up with a plan to bring Rafal back.

If they didn't.

Then this school was going to hell.

And the students here would not have a future at all.

He pulled the sheets over his body as his thoughts began to slow down.

He closed his eyes and went soundly to sleep.

Unaware of a strange green glow slowly flying towards the window and out into the calm night.


Word Count - 979

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20 ⏰

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