Chapter Six

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 Cragpaw pushed numbly through the fern tunnel and stumbled into the clearing. He blinked blearily, watching as Larkbite organized early patrols.

His legs throbbed with soreness, and his dressed paw felt cold. He sat down near a patch of bracken and gently unwound the cobwebs. This was his second time taking a look at the wound. His foot was strange and slimy from the overnight dressing, but the small wound had scabbed over already and was barely noticeable. He tossed the cobwebs to the side and lapped the marigold poultice away, satisfied now that his foot could finally breathe. He placed his paw on the ground and smiled as Strikefeather made her way over.

"How was your first day?" She asked, settling down beside him.

Cragpaw leaned over and happily nuzzled her chin. "It was great," he purred. "I saw the thunderpath and met Minnowsong, and Stumpwhisker taught us some herbs." He parted his mouth, eager to explain what he learned, but the names swam away like trying to catch fog. "I forget what they were called, though."

Strikefeather smiled, brushing her feathery tail along the young tom's back. "I'm so glad you had a good time. And you're positive that being a medicine cat is what you want?"

Cragpaw nodded. "Of course! It's really fun, and makes fighting seem like kit's play." He paused for a moment, brightening with excitement. "Do you know when the half-moon is?"

"It's only a few sunrises away. Excited to meet the other medicine cats, I presume?"

Cragpaw bobbed his head eagerly. He flicked his ear as Nightpaw sleepily padded out of the medicine den and made his way over to join them.

He flopped against Cragpaw's side with a groan. "Great StarClan, my paws feel like they're falling off!"

Cragpaw nodded in quiet agreement and gently nudged his brother away, while Strikefeather purred her amusement. "Of course your paws are sore. You've never traveled so far before." She leaned across Cragpaw and gave Nightpaw's ear a gentle lick. "Eventually, trekking the territory will be as easy as washing your fur. Now, how about I get you two something to eat? Does a squirrel sound fine?"

Cragpaw beamed. "Yes, please!" He purred.

Strikefeather strolled away with her tail high above her spine. She returned only moments later with a gray squirrel dragging between her paws. She dropped the fresh-kill before the two toms, and they gorged themselves like they hadn't seen food for moons. All the while, a purr thrummed in her chest.

Cragpaw blinked up at his mother once he was finished, sloppily rasping his tongue across his whiskers. "Sorry, Strikefeather," he mewed meekly. "Did you want some?"

"No, I'm fine," Strikefeather laughed. "I thought you must be hungry after working yourself so hard yesterday. Larkbite promised to share something with me at sun-high, anyways." Her golden eyes glowed softly as she looked over at the camp entrance. Cragpaw followed her gaze, but his father was no longer in sight.

"Do you think he'll bring anything for Nightpaw and I?" Cragpaw proposed hopefully.

Strikefeather smiled in amusement. "Likely not, seeing how you already ate a whole squirrel. Perhaps if you ask him though, he can catch something for the two of you some other time."

Cragpaw nodded in contemplation. It was a nice idea, but knowing how busy Larkbite always was... it was very unlikely.

"Cragpaw, Nightpaw," Stumpwhisker pushed out of the medicine den, glancing between the two apprentices. "Clean up that squirrel and meet me outside the camp. It's time for you to learn the medicine cat code."

Strikefeather gave her sons both a lick on the cheek as their mentor padded away. "Run along," she mewed. "I'll clean up your mess, but only if you promise to tell me all about your day today."

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