Akazukin Sarada-Chan

350 6 14

Hand Holding | Burden | Alternate Universe

Note: This world is from an anime called Akazukin Chacha. Akazukin is "Little Red Riding Hood" in Japanese. Another highly recommended anime. Despite going back to innocent times when Boruto and Sarada were just little kids, I hope you enjoy :)

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Sarada's consciousness was prickled by the savory scent of rice, eggs, soy sauce and ketchup. It was rare for her mom to be home long enough in the mornings to cook breakfast, unless... Her father was back?!

She shot out of bed and then closed her eyes. Normal. Just get ready like normal. If he's staying for breakfast, you have time.

One deep breath later, she peered through her blurry vision and plucked her glasses off of her nightstand. The usual smooth surface felt oddly rough under her fingers, but it wasn't until the lenses cleared her sight that she realized someone gave her room a makeover.

All of the furniture was made of textured wood, hardly sanded before it was lathered in varnish, a kneaded rug under her feet. Her usual house slippers were nowhere in sight, a simple pink cotton dress with a floor-length white skirt hanging in her closet alongside a bright red hood. Her nose twitched at the suggestion. But it was better than going around in silky pajamas all day.

Either her father had used his rinnegan to transport her to a completely different house, or she was having a very realistic dream.

But when she walked out of her room and down the creaky hall, an old grey-haired ninja was shaking a pan atop a wood burning stove.


"Sarada-chan. Good morning. I'm making rice omelets, so give it your best shot in training again today."

It was a strange sight. Kakashi in a dark grey robe, a cast iron skillet in hand, carefully stirring the cooked bits egg at the bottom of the pan into the runny yellow fluid with chopsticks.

"You're up late," came a girl's voice.

"I suppose I am..."

However, Sarada didn't see anyone who could have made the comment, other than the miniature doll resting in Kakashi's arms. Carmel brown hair came down to her shoulders, two purple stripes on her cheeks. Her eyes were closed, a small smile on her sewn lips...

But dolls couldn't talk.

It was decided. This was just an elaborate dream after all. She had them sometimes, thanks to the effects of her eyes creating entirely separate realities to trap other people in. Being an Uchiha came with having a big imagination. This was no different than a genjutsu.

"Would you mind setting out the plates?"

"...I guess I can do that." She searched the kitchen until she found an antique cabinet. Inside were delicate ceramic plates, likely handmade, an ornate pattern of baby blue forget-me-nots painted onto the rim. She set them carefully on the thick circular slab of wood that made up the table, followed by two traditional style Japanese teacups. In the drawers were silver forks, knives, and spoons instead of chopsticks.

For a dream, this was oddly realistic.

As she sat down at the table, Kakashi took her plate and skillfully used a bowl to create a mound of yellow-red rice in the center, topped with a beautifully cooked fluffy omelet just waiting to be sliced open. Who knew he was good at cooking? Then again, anything could happen in dreams.

He grabbed a ketchup bottle and wrote "good luck" on the top of her omelet.

Why do I need good luck?

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