Depths of dispair.

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In the depths of despair, I silently cry,
For the love I cherished, now a distant sigh.
She was my solace, my reason to dream,
But now she's gone, and I'm left to scream.

Her absence weighs heavy, a burden to bear,
As I navigate this world, stripped bare.
I yearn for her touch, her gentle embrace,
But she's vanished, leaving an empty space.

Every moment without her feels like a year,
Lost in the echoes of her absence, I fear.
I search for her presence in the shadows of night,
But she's slipped away, out of sight.

I'm haunted by memories of what used to be,
Aching for a love that set me free.
But she's moved on, beyond my reach,
Leaving me stranded on this lonely beach.

She was my light in the darkest of days,
But now she's gone, lost in life's maze.
I pray for the strength to carry on,
To find peace in a world where she's gone.

So I'll hold onto hope, with every breath,
And cherish the memories until my death.
For she was my everything, my guiding light,
But now she's gone, and I'm left in the night.

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