1. Story Of Prophet Sulaiman.

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Story Of Prophet Sulaiman(A.S)★

Chapter 1:


                 ‡Sulaiman's Favours‡

Allah, the Glorified and the Exalted, bestowed upon two of His servants and prophets, great blessings and favours. Dawud (David) and Sulaiman (Solomon), may the peace and blessings of Allah be upon them, enjoyed happiness, power, and authority in this world and the position of Prophethood and Messangership. And indeed We gave knowledge to Dawud and Sulaiman, and they both said "All praises be to Allah, who has preferred us above many of His believing servants."(Qur'an 27: 15)¹

It was said that Prophet Dawud(A.S) had one hundred wives and Sulaiman (A.S) was the son of Dawud. Sulaiman became king after his father's demise. He inherited his father's Prophethood, Dominion, and Knowledge. And Sulaimain inherited from Dawud. He said: "O mankind! We have been taught the language of birds and we have been given everything. This verily, is an evident grace (from Allah)." (Qur'an 27:16)

This inheritance did not include his father's wealth, for the property of the Prophets cannot be inherited by his family or relatives, it is given to the poor and needy just as the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) said: "We Prophets cannot be inherited from; whatever we leave behind is charity."(Sahih Al-Bukhari)

When Sulaiman became king, he begged Allah for a kingdom such that none after him would have, and Allah granted his wish. Besides wisdom, Allah blessed Sulaiman(A.S) with many abilities. He could command the winds, and understand and talk to birds and animals. He had authority over both the jinn-kind and man-kind. Allah directed him to teach both men and jinns to mine the earth and extract its minerals to make tools and weapons. Allah also endowed him with a mine of copper, which was a rare metal in those days.

          ‡Sulaiman Admiration Of Horses‡

 Allah said in the Holy Qur'an: And to Dawud We gave Sulaiman. How excellent a servant! He was ever turning in repentance to Us. When they were displayed before him, in the afternoon, well-trained horses of the highest breed. He said: "Alas! I did love the good(the horses) instead of the service of my Lord." till the time was over and the sun had hidden in the veil of the night. Then he said: " return them to me."Then he began to pass his hand over their legs and their neck. (Qur'an 38:30-33)

During his time, horses were the common means of transportation. They were very essential for defense, carrying soldiers and carts,  provisions, and weapons of war. The animals were well cared for and well trained.

One day, Sulaiman, upon him be peace, was reviewing a parade of his stable. The fitness, beauty, and posture of the horses fascinated him so much that he kept stroking and admiring them until the time for Asr prayer had come.  He was so much carried away with what he was doing not realizing what time of the day it was. The sun was nearly setting and the time for middle prayer was passing by when he realized this, he exclaimed: "I surely love the finer things of life instead of remembering my lord." Till the time was over and the sun had hidden in the veil of the night. Then out of anger, he said: "Bring them back to me."Then he began to pass his hand over their legs and their necks out of love for them till the end of the display.

Then he said: "No! By Allah, you will not keep me from worshipping my lord again." Then he ordered that they should be slaughtered. Their necks and hamstring were struck with a sword. It was said that he patted the horse's head and leg out of love and sympathy for them because he would not punish an animal by cutting its hamstrings or destroy his own wealth for no other reason than that he had been distracted from his prayer by looking at it, and it was not the animal's fault.

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