Best friends in love (last part)

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Summary: Last part of best friends in love: After Newt and Yn spend the night together, some of their friends go and look ofr them in the morning. Maybe their secret isn't so secret now...

TW: Talks about sexual topics but its not really explicit. Appart from that I think nothing else. 

Frypan was walking through the dead-heads, on his way to wake Yn up as she seemed to have slept in. He got to her hut and, just as he was going to knock, he noticed that her window was open. He knew he shouldn't have looked, but was too curious to care. So he did. And boy, was he glad he did...

Meanwhile, while almost every Glader was waiting for their cook so they could eat breakfast, Alby, Minho, and a few other keepers noticed the absence of the second-in-command.

-Hey, Minho?- -Yeah, boss?- Minho said, sarcasm noticeable in his voice. Alby glared at him but began talking. –Have you seen Newt? I haven't since he helped me last night...- Minho furrowed his eyebrows –Now that you mention it... I haven't seen him since he left dinner- -Didn't he and Yn said they were meeting after?- Ben remembered after a minute of silence. –We should ask her if she knows anything, were is she?- Alby looked at everyone but nobody said a thing. –Well, I think Fry went to her hut to see if she was still sleeping...- There was a long silence. Everyone knew better than to wake up the girl, and it was even worse on her days off, but they also knew they weren't patience enough to wait for her and Fry to come back. –We should go- -Yeah, let's check up on her- Everyone got up.

Alby didn't follow. After connecting the dots, he suspected what was happening and, even though he really wanted to see the others reactions, he was the leader, and he was too busy to distract himself with something like that.

Minho, Ben, Clint and Jeff walked side by side to find Frypan, who was supposed to be waking Yn up, looking through her window. Minho slapped the back of his head and chuckled. –Hey, there, you pervert- Frypan just shushed him –Shut up and look- The Gladers looked were Frypan was pointing and their jaw drooped.

Laying there in Yn's bed was Newt, his hair a mess and shirtless, with his arms wrapped tightly around Yn's waist, who was wearing just his shirt.

The Gladers stood there, watching in disbelief as the couple laid there, arms wrapped around each other, faces close and hands intertwined.

-I mean, we all knew they liked each other, but... damn, I didn't actually believe they were hooking up.- Minho commented. –I was pretty sure there was something going on between them. I see Newt go to his room late when I'm on night shift, and Yn always takes a break when Newt does. I think its pretty obvious but, dam... I just never thought I'd see it with my own eyes. - Jeff nodded at Clint statement.

-Wait really? – Ben asked –I didn't think they were doing...- -Shush!!- Frypan shut everyone up. –Look...- And they all sifted they attention back to the couple.

Newt started to wake up, rubbing his eyes while yawning. The boy looked down and saw Yn sleeping with her head on his chest, an arm wrapped around his torso and her other hand intertwined with his. He smiled and started tracing circles in the skin of her waist with his fingertips. She smiled and started to open her eyes.

-Oh, how cute... Our blondie has gone soft.- Minho teased.

-I think he's always had a soft spot for her-

The girl looked up and smiled at the blonde. –Morning...- She sighed happily. –Good morning, love. How did you sleep?- -Great- Yn rested her chin in the palm of her hand, sitting up a bit.

Newt brought their intertwined hands to his lips and kissed her hand before losing his grip on it. She ran a hand through his blonde locks and leaned in to kiss his nose before chuckling with him.

-Gross... I don't think I want to keep watching...- Ben said laughing. Minho hit his chest still looking through the window. –Shut up, I want to have something to tease them about.- The others just laughed quietly.

Yn looked at Newt and whispered: -Newt?- -Mm.. Yes, love?- She leaned in to whisper in his ear. –I think we have an audience- She giggled softly. She pulled away and looked at Newt with her eyebrows raised. Newt furrowed his in confusion but, as soon as he looked over at the window and saw a glimpse of a perfect styled black hair that seemed to be Minho's, and Frypan's spatula popping out of the corner of the window; he understood what his girl was talking about.

His girl.

It felt so right and at the same time so unreal. Newt knew he hadn't asked her out properly yet, but he was pretty sure that something like what had happened that night wasn't something that occurred between two close friends.

-Uh... I see- Yn couldn't help herself but to look at the boy in front of her. Admire him. He had always been handsome, at least in her eyes, but there was something about being that close to him, breathing in the scent of his shampoo that still lasted from last night's shower, and being able to touch every part of him; she felt so lucky, and she wanted nothing more than him to know it.

– Think we should show them? - She whispered and Newt looked at her puzzled. –Show them what- – But she cut him off by pressing her lips against his in a sweet kiss. He responded to it immediately and brought a hand up to her cheek, caressing her skin with his thumb.

-Ugh, they haven't even brushed their teeth...- Ben said. –You think that's the dirtiest thing they've done in the past few hours, mate? - Minho laughed at the disgust in Bens' face. –Ugh, shut up! - -No, he's right, man. Imagine where their mouths have been... Nothing they haven't- – -Ok, shut up, I don't want to imagine anything... -

Inside the hut, Yn and Newt pulled away after the soft and long kiss and pressed their foreheads together. –They are so going to tease us after this- -Like I care- Newt said kissing her again, this time, tough, rougher and more passionate.  

AN: So this is the last part for this series. Tell me if you want to see another imagine about how their friends react after finding this out and a lot of teasing and everything. 

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