are you sure

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"Archie, are you sure that I am what you want, I mean, you and Veronica were getting really close."

"Cheryl, Veronica, and I was only getting close because she thinks her dad has something to do with your brothers death."

"Archie, why would you guys even be investigating that it was months ago the case was closed it was a dead-end investigation."

"Cheryl, we found out some stuff that led us to believe somehow Hiram Lodge had something to do with Jason's death."

"Archie,what are you talking about? You found stuff like what," Cheryl says, completely worried and scared now.
"Cheryl, is there any reason Fp Jones would have Jasons letterman jacket?"

"What, why would Fp have Jason's jacket he didn't have anything to do with any serpents."

"Cheryl, that's why we are investigating it, but you need to keep this on the low for now. We don't want to cause anyone to panic or worse."

"Ok, I'll try, but it's gonna be hard for me. I have a big mouth," she says as she laughs

"You always were quite the drama queen, cheryl."

Cheryl punches Archie playfully. "Shut up."

"I love you, cheryl. ronnie had no one else, but maybe you can change that now that you know what's going on."

Cheryl thinks for a minute "Yeah I guess I should she is my best friend after all."

"Can we go to bed now? I yawn it's 1 in the morning. we have school tomorrow."

Cheryl laughs "Yeah it is getting late, isn't it?".

Archie yawns. "Yeah, it is."

Archie lays down in the waiting on cheryl to come lay down

"Archie, you sure you want me to stay?"

"Yes, cheryl, I'm sure."

Cheryl smiles and lays down next to Archie, cuddling up to him

The next morning

Cheryl wakes up cuddling up to Archie
She yawns. "Good morning Archiekins".

Archie slowly opens his eyes. "Good morning beautiful, how did you sleep?"

Cheryl smiles "the best I've slept in days."

Archie smiles. "Me too."

Cheryl gets up. "As much as I hate to say it, we need to get ready for school Archiekins".

Archie groans "ugh...I don't wanna go to school".

Cheryl chuckles, " I know Archiekins."

They get ready and head to school

They arise at school, and they walk in to see a crowd in the hallway

Cheryl looks at Archie "what's going on."

Archie looks at cheryl just as confused as she is "I don't know."

A police officer emerges in the crowd with Jughead in handcuffs, reading him his rights

Archie runs to the officer. "What the heck is going on here?"

The officer looks at Archie. "Jughead Jones is under arrest for conspiracy to the murder of Jason blossom. "......

To be continued.....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27 ⏰

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