Ashley's POV
I can't believe Harry had put me in some strangers car and now they were driving around with me. I was going to kill him! "We're here." I heard a woman say. "Go get Ashley." The voice sounded familiar, like I had just heard it recently. I heard someone open my door. They tried to pull me out, but I fought. "Knock it off Ashley!" Now it was a different woman's voice. This one sounded familiar too.
I stopped fighting. I let the stranger pull me out of the car, and I let her lead me into wherever we were going. She sat me down. Then all of a sudden, she ripped my blindfold off. "Surprise!" The two women yelled. When my eyes adjusted, I saw who it was. It was Danielle and Eleanor. "What's going on?" "Harry wanted to give you a girls day, so he told us to drive you around to wherever you want to go." Eleanor said with a smile.
Harry's POV
I feel bad for leaving Ashley like that, but I needed time to go shopping for her 17th birthday present. Louis, Liam, Zayn, and Perrie, because we needed a woman's point of view. Niall and Katy were out having fun by themselves. "So, what should I get her?" I asked. "A turtle!" Liam said. "A mirror!" Zayn said. "CARROTS!!!" Louis yelled. "Okay, you guys are no help. Perrie, what do you think I should get her?" I said turning to face Perrie.
"Hmm, how about a car?" Perrie said "girls love cars."
"Okay, I guess I'll get her a car then." I said as we headed off to a dealership.